Universal Language
Posted in Daily Living 14 Comments
Now there were staying in Jerusalem God fearing Jews from every nation under heaven. When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard them speaking in his own language. (Acts 2:5,6)
If you asked my children to recall a game we played in the grocery store when they were young, they may not all remember. It was not intentional. It just happened.
There we were…one mother, five children, two shopping carts, many questions, many helpers. That weekly shopping trip was an event…a teaching tool really. It was a time to learn how to budget, how to use coupons, how to plan a week’s worth of menus, how to choose healthy foods…how to behave in a store. Little did we all realize that a far more important lesson was being learned.
Often, on our weekly trips, we would inevitably come upon a cashier, or a person behind the deli counter that was not having a good day. The reason didn’t matter, but the result of that reason was all over their face. Usually, the littlest one of my children would notice first. That person is not smiling. Sometimes, the dreamer in the group would try to come up with a scenario as to why.
The challenge was on. Could we make this person smile before we left the deli counter or the check out line? I don’t know how the game started, but it was important to my children. The tenderness of that desire made the “game” worthwhile. I loved to listen in on their attempts…listen to their ideas of how they could get that person to smile. Many times, they were met with little success.
But one day, as our cheese was being handed over the counter to us, one of my children reached up with a big toothless smile and said Thank you. Nothing special really. No magic formula. No script. Just a sincere, precious heart of a child, with an adorable toothless grin, saying the two words they had been taught to say for as long as they could remember. Except this time, the words didn’t float off in the air. This time the words were heard…they were felt…in the innocence and sincerity of a child’s smile.
The person smiled back.
My toothless wonder was amazed. Mission accomplished. The smile game was born.
How does it work, Mom?
How does my smile make the other person smile?
Can we do it again?
Needless to say, it made the shopping trip very pleasant.
I remember driving home that day and talking about our smiles.
It is the universal language, I explained. Even if we don’t understand the words someone is speaking, we can always smile. Then we are all speaking the same language no matter where we live in the world. A smile is understood by everyone.
I was remembering the smile game the other day. I have to admit, I still do it from time to time…and I still get the thrill of making the other person smile back.
But there is more to it than that…
We live in a world of many languages and cultures. We may not understand the nuances of the people we come in contact with…we may not speak their language. But we can speak the universal language of a smile.
I have read that there are two types of smiles: Duchenne Smile, the kind that “comes from your toes” and crinkles your eyes, and seems to fill every crevice with joy, and Social Smiles that are posed and intentional. People tend to know the difference. The smile that “comes from your toes” and fills up every crevice with joy is the smile that is contagious. That is the smile that multiplies smiles. That should be our smile if we are in Christ.
We all have difficulties. We all have problems each day, but we have a Savior…our Lord Jesus. If we are in Christ, we carry His Spirit wherever we go. That is our reason to smile.
How can another person come to know that God loves them, if they don’t experience His love through us first? Are we approachable so that others can ask us the reason for our joy? Do we realize the volumes that are spoken when we are able to smile even as we are going through hard times? Our smile is a way to point others to HIM. He is the reason we can smile “from our toes” since He fills us up with His presence.
We have a Gospel to share with the universal language of a smile. A smile breaks down the toughest walls, and breaks through the stoniest heart.
We have much to say. They have much to hear.
Start a smile game, with the Gospel on your lips, and see what God does.
For God so loved that world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)
This is SO awesome mom! I remember that game well … I would like to think I was always the one who made the cashiers smile. 🙂 I am so glad that more people will get to read your words now that you started this blog … you have so many wonderful words to say! I love you!
Claire, I’m glad you remember…
You always make me smile…sunshine !!!
I love you.
The reason we can smile like that is because we have received God’s radical smile on us! Well said. I like the game. I will try to pass it on to my grandkids!
Oh the delight in imagining that HE is smiling radically on us !!!!
Thanks, Mike…for that reminder.
What a beautiful gift you have been given. Once again, your words have fed my soul. How blessed I am to have crossed paths with you in my search for His word. I look forward to reading more!
Much love,
Thank you, Lisa.
What a blessing to sit and worship with you at church last week.
We keep praying…
Great reminder. The joy of the Lord should shine on our faces. Smile God truly loves you and what an amazing truth to smile about.
Thank you, Carol.
If we just took the time to think about that truth each day, it would show on our faces.
How blessed I am today to read these words of yours. I have always come away from our conversations with such a thankful heart….to have been able to share with you and hear what the Lord is showing or teaching you….to pray with you….to be spurred on towards love and good deeds by you. I loved reading both of these stories. I could hear your sweet voice in my head as you painted a vivid picture of each experience. I look forward to reading more. This is one of the ways you’ve been gifted and I will pray for the fruit to come as a result of your obedience to Him.
Thank you, Jen.
God knitted us together as we co-labored with National Day of Prayer…a special time.
I ask for your prayer…still.
Gina this is wonderful. Your blog is very needed! I have tried many sites looking for good devotionals and there are probably many, but not always relevant. Your devotionals meet us where we are and are practical. Thanks for taking this on. I know this blog will be used to help many. I loved both of your first devotionals! I believe our smile is one of the most important things we were given by God. Keep on smiling and writing!!!
Thank you, Linda.
You have been very special to me through the years.
Continue to pray for this…for His Glory.
Hi Gina, This is so great! Both posts stirred my heart– didn’t see the place to post after the first one– wasn’t looking for one, iut was probably there! Please know I AM SMILING AT YOU! Praise the Lord, eh!
Thank you, Janna.
How I love to see your smile at Bible study !!!