

Posted in Evangelism | 2 Comments

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-not by works, so that no one can boast. (Ephesians 2: 8,9)

When our fourth child was born (our second son) I would come downstairs with him for his early morning feeding. I sometimes put the weather channel on to check the temperature so that I would know how the other children should dress for school.

One morning, as I used the remote, I stumbled upon a woman teaching a Bible study. I listened with my newborn son in my arms. I was hearing things I had never heard before.

I always believed in God. I went to church every Sunday. The only Bible I had was from a religion class in high school and was opened a handful of times.

Soon, I found myself coming downstairs, bypassing the weather channel, searching for the Bible study…and listening. I was feeding my son but it was me who was being fed.

I was hearing about relationship when all I ever knew was religion.
I was hearing God’s Word for the first time.

I remember sitting in the chair with my son asleep in my arms and praying with tears streaming down my cheek. I am not good enough. I am a sinner. There is nothing I can ever do, in my own strength, to be in a right relationship with such a holy God.

For years, striving was all I knew.
But there was never surety.
There was always the nagging BUT…

I needed to learn. I needed to know what was in His Word. As I sat there one morning, I noticed a number to call to request a Bible reading schedule that would allow me to read through the entire Bible in a year.

I am an avid reader. Our home has bookshelves in almost every room.
God’s perfect way for me to begin my journey was through a Book.

God’s Spirit had been working in me all along. Without the Spirit’s help, I would never have had the faith to believe or the wisdom to understand what I was reading and hearing.

I requested the schedule which came in the mail the next week. To say I was hungry for His Word is an understatement.  I bought my own Bible and began to voraciously read chapter after chapter. I fell in love with Jesus.

Old ways just didn’t work any more. I began to go to a new church to surround myself and my children with the Word of God. I remember listening to a wife of a missionary that spoke at a women’s Bible study soon after I started to worship there. She said something that resonated with my heart.

I knew Jesus died on the cross…but I didn’t know He did it for me.

All the pieces began to come together.
I realized that Jesus, Son of God, was MY Lord…MY Savior.
When He died on the cross, and rose again three days later, it was indeed for ME…and for all who believe in Him.

Suddenly, being good enough didn’t matter. I gave up on that impossible notion and realized that only HE was truly good.  There was nothing I could do to earn my salvation because He did it all. Somehow, the perfect righteousness of Christ became my righteousness when I believed and trusted in Him alone for my salvation.

A few years later, as I grew through prayer and time in His Word, I began to teach a children’s Sunday school class…third through fifth grade. I prayed that the joy I had because of Him would be obvious to the children. I prayed that I would always be able to point them to Jesus as I taught them each week.

One Sunday, as our lesson was ending, a girl in the class raised her hand eagerly.

Mrs. Gallagher…I know how to share the Gospel.

I told her I would love to have her share it with all of us.
She stood up and said confidently,

It’s Jesus…with no BUTS !!!

I could not believe the simplicity.

It is Jesus…with nothing added.
No pulling up our own boot straps.
No boasting in ourselves.

Precious Lord Jesus.

For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures. (1 Corinthians 15: 3,4)



Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!

2 responses to “Simplicity”

  1. Gina,
    Wow, you do have a gift. I am so happy our friend Sharon insisted on my reading these. My eyes have been filled with tears! Your amazing.


    • Thanks for your encouraging words, Jen.
      I have been praying for these words to bless others.
      I am delighted that you were blessed.

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