Playing Dress Up
Posted in Family Life 2 Comments
I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God. For He has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness. (Isaiah 61:10a)
I remember watching my (then) three year old daughter approach the box.
She has done this a thousand times before. She will transform her world countless times and be everything from a princess to a Mommy just by reaching inside. She opens the lid and out comes the perfect hat, the old high heel shoes, the fancy gloves.
She is off to tea with an impressive entourage of characters she selects from her shelf…a diverse group of stuffed animals and baby dolls.
She doesn’t notice me. She is engrossed in her play.
She catches my intrusion and she strolls over to me…falters really…ankles wobbling.
Look at me, Mommy, I’m all big!
I tenderly pull her close and thank God, my Father, for the gift of this child…the gift of all my five children. The shoes don’t fit, the hat is cocked crookedly on her head, the fancy gloves have fingers flapping, but she’s trying.
I’m all big.
I realize this scene must be so familiar to God.
Look at me Lord, I’m all big. I’ve got this all figured out. I’m ready to wear this.
How lovingly He must gaze at us. I picture Him with a tender, Fatherly smile.
Not yet, my little one, but you’ll grow into those shoes.
He must see us teetering and tottering on our spiritual high heels and find joy in our attempts, as He stretches out His hand when we stumble. We have opened the lid to our dress up box numerous times. We’ve pulled out pieces that just don’t fit…yet.
Look, Lord. I’m all big.
You will be…my child. Let Me take your hand and help you.
Let me feed you with My food that will satisfy and nourish.
Drink from My cup the refreshing water that lives.
Hold onto My hand as you grow into the likeness of My Son.
My clothes will last, My child.
I’ll give you garments of salvation and clothes of righteousness.
You will grow in Me, My child.
I help my little one clean up. We close the dress up box and put away the tea cups and carefully wrap up the cookies that only she can see.
Glimpses of another banquet fill my head. We, who are in Christ, will be dressed splendidly for our Host, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Everything will fit perfectly.
Oh, Gina! This is wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing it with me. I’m touched by your personal stories and your beautiful words. What a gift!
Looking forward to the next installment!
Blessings to you and your lovely family,
Thank you, Carla.
We have watched our children grow up together.
Many wonderful memories. Where has the time gone?