
The Vessel

Posted in Poetry | 2 Comments

There sat the grandest vessel…high upon the shelf.
I have no place of honor
, he thought sadly to himself.
I’ve been so very useful, to many, all my days.
I poured and poured so proudly, as I served in wondrous ways.

Always filled with choicest wine, and water, cool and clear.
Though I’ve not been taken off this shelf for oh, so many years.

Suddenly, a bright, white Light shone round about the room.
Illuminating cobwebs never swept away by brooms.

It shone in every crevice and in every hiding place.
It shone round the vessel brightly, landing right upon his face.
He was the grandest vessel, high upon the shelf.
But in the Light he saw inside the cold, hard lumps of self.

The Light continued shining, till the vessel hid his face.
Then warmth began to seep deep down in every broken place.
The vessel opened up his eyes and soon began to see.
All that ever filled me up was nothing more than me.

The Light shone on all the places cracked beyond repair.
I will shine My Light upon you. We’ll begin right there.
The vessel felt so warm inside and soon began to see,
The cracks that marred his beauty would finally set him free.

No longer stuck upon the shelf, that was not so very grand.
He was taken down and polished, safe within the Potter’s Hand.
But I have cracks
, the vessel said, as anyone can see.
I know, the Light responded, but I’ll fill them up with Me.

Those cracks will radiate My Light, as it shines upon your face.
Now, you’ll begin to pour again…not water…wine…but grace.
I saw the cracks and cobwebs, but it was plain to see.
The reason I was beautiful was the Light of Him…not me.


(2 Corinthians 5:17)
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come.



Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!

2 responses to “The Vessel”

  1. Thanks for this beautiful reminder that He is filling up my cracks! We truly find grace in the Potter’s hands.

    • That Sovereign filling can sometimes be such a painful process…but it is so necessary !!!
      Amazing Grace…

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