
Missing The Bus

Posted in Heaven | 1 Comment

You can set your watch by my daughter’s bus driver.
Every morning, without fail, she pulls up the street at 6:36.

I know, because I am out there, too.
My daughter is the only one that needs to be picked up this early.
It gives us a few extra minutes together.
After she gets on the bus, I set off on my morning walk.

What amazes me about the woman who drives the high school bus is that she brings her own two children on the route with her.
Most mornings they are asleep, still in their pajamas, but some mornings, they are awake and like to talk to any of the passengers that seem to be awake that early, too.
They may drop a juice cup that needs to be retrieved, or simply want to tell a story to whoever will listen.

This morning, we walked out as usual…the same time as we always do.
As we opened the garage door, we heard the bus.
It had already passed.
Since our neighborhood is self contained, there is no outlet.
The bus loops around, so if you miss it at the corner, you can always catch it when it comes around again.

But this morning, it had already passed our house, looped around, and was leaving.
My daughter walked quickly to the top of the driveway, thinking that perhaps the bus driver would see her in her mirror, and she could get on the bus a little bit down the road.
Today, it was a substitute bus driver who didn’t know what passengers to look for.

The bus driver never saw her.
We watched the tail lights drive away.
I grabbed my keys and drove her to school.
No walk this morning, but I would not trade the extra time with my daughter for anything.

I dropped her off at school, passing a row of yellow buses all lined up along the curb.
I drove home in silence…no music, just the beauty of the morning.

It has been chilly this week, in fact a few mornings there was frost on the ground.
I saw the mist rising above the pond…looking like the English moors in Bronte’s Wuthering Heights novel. I saw white tail deer darting near the road.

It was early…and quiet…and lovely.

How many people miss the bus?
I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation. (2 Corinthians 6:2)

I have time. I can think about that later.
I can do all I need to do and still make the bus.
I’m not late.

As they are meandering around, doing their own thing, the bus comes.
They run to see if they can catch it, but it is driving down the road to its destination.
It is too late.

Bus schedules are usually something you can count on.
God’s bus is on a timetable known only to Him.
No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. (Matthew 24:36)

God’s bus does not always come at opportune times…but it comes at the perfect time.
Some may be sleeping…some may be working…
Some are watching for it…some don’t care…
It is time to seek the Lord, until He comes. (Hosea 10:12)

There is no substitute driver on God’s bus.
He knows His passengers well.
He desires that all travelers get on, but He knows that some will miss the bus.

We are all fellow travelers.
We may not know the time the bus is coming, but we do know the Way.
I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
(John 14:6)

We must encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today. (Hebrews 3:13)
We will not miss the bus if we spend our time watching as we wait.
We can help other travelers know the Driver and the Way to the journey’s end.
While we are waiting, we can enjoy the beauty of the morning.

Be on guard! Be alert! Watch!
(Mark 13: 33, 37)



Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!


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