
What Our Hearts Remember

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I was baking this afternoon.
I thought about the neighborhood where I grew up…and Mrs. C.
She had three children, much older than me.
In fact, her two daughters babysat for me when I was little.

I used to love to go to Mrs. C’s house.
She and my mother were friends.
When everyone else had rugs, she had hardwood floors.
When everyone else had store-bought ornaments on their Christmas tree, she had handmade ones…with wonderful strands of popcorn wrapped around from top to bottom.

She was from the western part of my state and had a bit of an accent.
I loved to hear her say certain words that were so different from the way I said them.

Her husband smoked a pipe and kept it in a metal holder that looked like a beach chair.
I remember thinking that was such an odd place to keep a pipe.
I can still smell the lingering aroma that wafted in the air in their home…in my memory.

Mrs. C was a fabulous baker.
I loved the smells that came from her kitchen.
Her brownies and her homemade chocolate cake were amazing!
Whenever I saw her carry a white dish down the street, I knew the brownies were for us.

Many Sundays after church, Mrs. C would ask if I wanted to come home with them.
What a treat to go home in their car.
I remember her looking over my head with a knowing look in my mother’s direction.
They had planned this all along, but made it seem as if I was making the decision to go.

When we got back to their house, she would have a snack for me.
Saltine crackers with strawberry jelly and a cold glass of milk.
She would lay the crackers in a special way on the plate.
To this day, strawberry jelly is my favorite!

The little things Mrs. C did were so important.
Saltines and jelly…milk…homemade brownies…
The little things that made me feel so special.
Her small things made a lasting impact.

How many times do we sit back and do nothing because our something might not be good enough?
How often do we hesitate to do something because we feel that it doesn’t measure up to a standard someone else has set?

I’m so glad Mrs. C didn’t think twice about serving crackers and jelly.
The memory of her kitchen is so vivid…the sights, the smells, the colors…

Do to others as you would have them do to you. (Luke 6:31)

I never had a chance to do things for Mrs. C.
I was a very young recipient of her hospitality.
But I can do to others…NOW!

Whenever I make brownies for a new neighbor, or for a special birthday of one of the children from church, I think of Mrs. C.
What she did for me was simple and meaningful…and wonderful!
More than forty five years later,  I still remember them so fondly.

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. (Philippians 2:3)

There is a time to entertain with finesse…get out the good china…set all the right forks.
But I dare say those times are few and far between.
The best meal is sometimes grilled cheese on a paper plate, if it is served with love and hospitality.

Practice hospitality. (Romans 12:13)
Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. (1 Peter 4:9)

We should not let the way our house looks, or the fact that the laundry still needs to be folded, hinder us from having people in our homes.

People will remember how you made them feel.
Everything from the way your favorite candle smells to the music you are playing in the background will become a Mrs. C memory for someone.

The best ambiance is a hospitable spirit.
The best thing you can ever wear is a smile.
The best gift you can ever offer is yourself.

Go ahead.
Spread some saltines with strawberry jelly.
Smile…as you share yourself with someone who is hungry for what you have to offer.

Make a Mrs. C memory that will last a lifetime.





Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!


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