

Posted in Faith | 4 Comments

Obviously, I love to write.
It is a joy to sit down and write this post each day.

I still like to write notes and letters the old fashioned way.
There is something so special about receiving a hand written note.
It takes time and effort and thought.
It is a personal way to show you care.

I have a writing folder on my computer.
It includes essays, vignettes, and poems that I have written.
My archives.

I must confess that occasionally I have used something “from the archive” as a post.
It’s funny though.
I often find that the piece is almost unrecognizable to me.
I have to edit the original quite a bit.
I am not the same person that wrote the piece from last month or last year.
I have grown.
God has shown me new things and allowed me to have new experiences.

The archives are mine…but I am different.
It is an interesting process.
In the editing, I learn quite a bit about myself.

We all have our dry days.
Days where we KNOW the promises of God, but days where He feels distant from us.

The problem is with us…NOT with Him.

That is what I love about my archives.
On a dry day, I can go to my writing, and even if I don’t feel the same as the piece suggests, I know that the truth of the words had to come from somewhere!

I call it my reservoir…and I am so thankful it is there.

The reservoir of promises.
The reservoir of truth.
The thoughts and ponderings that I can look back on, and stand on…until my heart catches up with what I know is true.

The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?
(Jeremiah 17:9)

Who indeed?

My reservoir is filled with the Word of God that I have hidden away in my heart.
It is filled with truths about Him that are cemented there.
I don’t know where I would be without it.

A reservoir is usually man made…a dam may be constructed or the ground excavated.
Today, reservoirs are used for drinking water, irrigation, recreation, and even hydroelectricity.
They help to fill a need when the resources just are not there.

Isn’t that the way we feel on a dry day?
There is just nothing left in our own strength.
We have to tap into our reservoir.

Our reservoirs are not man made.
They are God made.
He calls…we answer.
Our reservoirs are sealed with His Spirit.

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus
, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider Him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. (Hebrews 12:2)

The more time we spend with Him in His Word, the deeper our reservoirs will be.
The life giving water in our reservoirs will sustain us when we go through a spiritual drought.

When I was raising my own children…and then when I taught Sunday school and Bible studies…I would always ask two questions:
Do you love Jesus more today than you did yesterday?
Do you know Jesus more today than you did yesterday?

That should always be our goal.
That is a goal that delights God’s heart.
Loving Him more…knowing Him more.
Knowing Him more…loving Him more.

The outcome is the same…a deeper reservoir…a deeper faith.

Not dry days…but En Gedi days.
An oasis in the middle of the desert.

If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. Whoever believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him. (John 7:37, 38)

Jesus promised a reservoir.
Drink up…the water is deep.



Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!


4 responses to “Reservoir”

  1. There are some days– like this day was– when I don’t gt to reading your blog– I open it, and get interrupted somehow— and later because it is not in the unread format I don’t notice it– till evntually – now- I am trying to whittle down my inbox and I come across it! And as I start to read, I think, no, I have not read this! This is a good one. They all are, mind you, but some just stand out more.:) I think the big part of the reservoir for a Chritian is the WORD that we have “hid in our heart.” Thanks for writing, Gina!

    • Janna,
      I think God enables us to read something or listen to something at exactly the time we need it the most.
      Thank you always for your encouragement and prayers.

    • Claire,
      I am glad you remember…
      I ask myself those questions, too.
      You are a Godly young woman…that God is using greatly.
      I love you!

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