
The Awakening

Posted in Christian Worldview | 2 Comments

But they were disobedient and rebelled against You; they put Your law behind their backs. They killed Your prophets, who had admonished them in order to turn them back to You; they committed awful blasphemies. So You handed them over to their enemies, who oppressed them. But when they were oppressed they cried out to You. From heaven You heard them, and in Your great compassion you gave them deliverers, who rescued them from the hand of their enemies.
But as soon as they were at rest, they again did what was evil in Your sight. Then You abandoned them to the hand of their enemies so that they ruled over them. And when they cried out to You again, You heard from heaven and in Your compassion You delivered them time after time.
You warned them to return to Your law, but they became arrogant and disobeyed Your commands. They sinned against Your ordinances, by which a man will live if he obeys them. Stubbornly they turned their backs on You, became stiff-necked and refused to listen. For many years You were patient with them. By Your Spirit You admonished them through Your prophets. Yet they paid no attention, so You handed them over to the neighboring peoples. But in Your great mercy You did not put an end to them or abandon them, for You are a gracious and merciful God.
Now therefore, O our God, the great, mighty, and awesome God, who keeps His covenant of love, do not let all this hardship seem trifling in Your eyes- the hardship that has come upon us, upon our kings and leaders, upon our priests and prophets, upon our fathers and all Your people…In all that has happened to us, You have been just; You have acted faithfully, while we did wrong. (Nehemiah 9:26-33)


I listen for the Whispers of His Movement in the everyday.
Some days it is harder to hear those whispers than other days.
On days like that, the problem is with me…not with Him.

Today was one of those days.

I walked this morning and was thinking about the climate all around me.
I do not mean the 90 degree weather and the upcoming heat wave.
I mean the pulse beat of our culture.

Whether it is an election, or an important issue that has been decided, God gave us a standard in His Word that we are to use as our plumb line.

Our culture seems to operate on a different set of standards.
We live by relativistic standards.

The dictionary defines relativism as:
The doctrine that knowledge, truth, and morality exist in relation to culture, society, or historical context, and are not absolute.

That is a problem.

We serve a Holy God who is omniscient (all knowing); omnipotent (all powerful); omnipresent (God fills the universe in all its parts and is present everywhere at once). He is also immutable (unchanging…because change makes something better or worse and God is absolute perfection).

We, are mere human beings.
Creatures made by the Creator.
We do not have God’s attributes.

We may have much knowledge…but we do not possess ALL knowledge.
We may be powerful, but there is always Someone more powerful.
We cannot be in more than one place at any given time.
We constantly change…sometimes for better…sometimes for worse.

There has to be a standard that is above us…outside of ourselves…fixed.
As creatures, we constantly move the plumb line…often to suit ourselves.

An immutable, unchanging God sets the plumb line…perfectly…absolutely.
We are foolish not to follow.

Instead of praising Him, because He gave us His perfect Word, we rationalize it away.
Oh, God couldn’t have meant that…
That was in Bible times, it doesn’t apply today…
The Bible is just a book of stories…you interpret it your way…I will interpret it my way.

God said that we put His law behind our backs.
How dare we!
The creature is telling the Creator…we know better!

The outcome of that arrogance is that He has turned us over to ourselves.
God help us!
Only He can!

I pray for revival.
No person is going to fix our problems.
No man, no matter how brilliant or innovative, can be our savior.

We have a Savior.
The Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Immutable, Holy God sent His Son.
Our Lord Jesus…the ONLY One who can save us from sin and from ourselves.

People of God…we need to wake up!
We are like trout in a stream…being tickled into a trance like state.
Let’s turn away from ourselves and turn back to God.
He has the first and final…perfect Word.







Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!


2 responses to “The Awakening”

  1. Dear Gina, My heart grieves as well, for the direction our country is taking, for we can only imagine how the heart of our Lord grieves for His children and their disobedience. I also pray that God’s Almighty hand brings us to our knees and opens our eyes to HisTruth! Let’s all pray for Revival! In His Love, Linda.

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