
Come To The Table

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Call ahead seating…for seven please.
You’re just a bit early this time.
One half hour is all you need.
Ok…that will be fine.

Get in the car and drive there.
Wait to be seated and then
The waiter comes, he writes it down
With his fancy, colorful pen.

Combining food and fellowship.
They each go hand in hand.
One without the other
Sifts through fingers like sand.

No need for fancy restaurants
Or fancy clothes as well.
Welcome to Jesus’ Table.
We have Good News to tell.

Not an elaborate menu.
Just ordinary bread and wine.
All types of people will be there.
Come to the table and dine.

Come all who are needy.
Come all who are poor.
Come by invitation.
He’s standing at the door.

Don’t you hear Him knocking?
Don’t you hear His voice?
Open the door and let Him in.
A call from Him…a choice.

Simple bread and wine He offers.
Symbols for so much more.
Come to the table and eat His food.
On Him, the scars He wore.

Those scars are how we enter.
Those scars say to come in.
Those scars are His forever.
It shows where He has been.

On the cross…His body
Becomes for us the bread.
Blood ran red…becomes the wine.
From thorns upon His head.

Symbols of His sacrifice.
Come eat and have your fill.
They help us to remember.
As we think of Calvary’s hill.

Come to the table just as you are.
The truth of that fact is plain.
Come to the table, acknowledge your sin.
When you leave, you’re never the same.

Changed from His simple menu
The cost you could never afford.
Paid in full by sweet Jesus.
Our precious Savior and Lord.

No reservations needed.
A simple Yes will do.
Come tired, weary, and burdened.
Come and be made New!

Tell about His restaurant.
An elegant place to dine.
Where He will wait on tables.
And announce to each, You’re Mine!

Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with Me.
(Revelation 3:19, 20)



Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!


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