Image Bearers
Posted in Christian Worldview 2 Comments
I love words.
I tell stories with words.
I paint pictures with words.
How I wish I could actually paint a picture…on canvas.
How I wish I could take a picture with my camera…the way I really see the world.
I am not saying I do not appreciate the gifts God gave to me…I do!
I am amazed at the power of the written word!
For my own pleasure…my own enjoyment…it would be fun to express myself in a new way.
I know a few people who do have that gift.
I admire them.
In fact, their amazing talent makes me praise HIM!
One young woman is living in Colorado with her husband and two sons.
His business brought them there.
She is a talented photographer.
Since they all love the outdoors, the pictures she takes are breathtaking!
Mountains, trails, waterfalls, majestic skies…I enjoy following her photo blog.
As much as I love the landscape pictures, there are other pictures that are my favorite.
As they hike, Lindsay takes pictures from behind her husband and sons.
He has their youngest son in a child carrier backpack.
Their older son, who just finished kindergarten, is following behind his father.
I looked at a picture of him stepping on the same rock his Daddy stepped on, as they crossed a stream.
I saw pictures of him wearing a smaller version of his Daddy’s hiking shoes…following carefully in his footsteps.
That picture touched my heart.
That picture made me want to follow my Heavenly Father just as carefully.
God the Father sent His Son to earth.
Jesus walked where I am now walking.
His footsteps can be trusted.
The other photographer is a sweet young woman, newly married to a young man I have known practically his whole life.
Meredith is a nurse, and comes from a large family.
Her sister just had her fifth child, and Meredith took amazing pictures of the new baby and her other nieces and nephew.
She is able to capture the uniqueness of each child she photographs.
Pictures of her nieces and nephews have expanded to pictures of other families…pictures of other babies.
Recently, one young family had Meredith do a photo montage of the birth of their third child…a girl…after having two boys.
I was struck with how incredibly beautiful and innocent those pictures were.
Instead of taking pictures of the “how” of the birth…she took pictures of the “why”.
She captured the relationship…the tenderness of the young couple, as they brought another life into this world as a result of their love.
Both of these young photographers are believers in the Lord Jesus.
He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by Him and for Him.
(Colossians 1:15,16)
Jesus was present at Creation with His Father and the Spirit of God.
All the beauty we see around us was created in the first five days.
Then on the sixth day, God created man.
Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness…” so God created man in His own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female He created them.
(Genesis 1:26, 27b)
His creative imprint was placed in us at creation.
Many will deny that image is even there.
Some will even take credit for it.
But we, who are in Christ, know the truth.
He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.
(Ecclesiastes 3:11)
Eternity is set in our hearts.
Beauty does have a standard…determined by Him.
Many may try to turn their backs on God…or deny that He exists.
It is impossible remove the piece of Him that He set in our hearts.
His image is indelible.
Sadly, though, sin distorts the perfect image He placed in us.
Remember when you were little, and you wanted to send a secret message.
You could write your words with a white crayon.
Then you painted over the invisible writing with watercolors.
The invisible message appeared.
The message was there along.
It just needed help to be seen.
How can we show Him to the world?
What creative way can we make the invisible…visible?
How can we bring heaven to earth in such a way that others will understand?
God the Father answered those questions in His Son, Jesus.
Jesus made the invisible God visible to us.
Jesus left His heavenly home to come to earth.
The Kingdom of God is near. (Mark 1:15)
Let’s encourage one another.
Let’s point to the image of Him that we see in each other.
Go ahead…draw, write, take pictures, make music.
Let the world know the Artist that we know.
He is in every word…every picture…every musical note…every whisper.
Hi Gina,
I have been following your blog daily. . . was surprised today to see my daughter,Meredith, mentioned! 🙂
Just a note to say your blog has been a blessing to me as you take the ordinary things of this life . . . the day to day routine and not-so-routine things we do/say/observe and apply scripture and spiritual truth. . . truly a gift from the Lord! While you may not be great with a camera, you most definitely have a way with words that touch the heart. . . and indeed those who read hear His whisper! 🙂
It is a privilege to write these posts.
As long as HE gives me the ideas and the words…I will keep writing.
Meredith’s eye truly amazes me!!
God has given her the gift of putting a face to “beautifully and wonderfully made”.
Thank you for your encouragement.
I am delighted that you are blessed.