
Eye Slave

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I have no idea how it happened…but I was on Romper Room as a little girl!
It was a national TV show, but was syndicated in various cities.
Syndication…local show with local children in the classroom.
I was four years old at the time.

My mother, my aunt, and I traveled into Philadelphia by train.
Two weeks of shows were taped in one week.
I had to wear one outfit and bring another, since two shows were taped each day.

There was a teacher on this preschool set.
My teacher was Miss Connie.
We were all at tables coloring, playing games, marching with musical instruments, singing.

There was a large Bee named Mr. Do-Bee who taught manners.
I remember that everyone drank milk out of a Do-Bee cup…which was a small plastic cup with the straw attached.
I thought the cup was the best thing in the world and was so excited when I got to bring my blue cup home with me.
The snack was always cheese crackers.

I was too young at the time to understand what was going on.
Yes, there were cameras…but they were for Miss Connie, not for me.

Miss Connie asked if anyone wanted to sing a special song for those watching at home.
To my mother’s surprise, I volunteered.
I’m sure everyone heard her audible gasp coming from the audience!

I resolutely walked to the front of the classroom set.
Miss Connie asked what I was going to sing.
“The Little White Duck” I said proudly.

I turned my back to the camera and began to sing.
She stopped me, ever so gently, and suggested I turn around.
“No, thank you” I said…knowing Mr. Do-Bee would be proud of my manners.
I proceeded to sing the entire song with my back to the camera.
I remember the microphone boom moving over my head…trying to capture this little four year old voice on tape.

My debut…and no one even saw me!
How I wish I could see the old tapes of that show!

The green light on the camera meant “action”.
Everyone was on his or her best behavior…even Miss Connie.
When the light went off, a switch happened.
Not that anyone was mean or nasty…but different.
They were no longer “on”…the guard came down.

Mothers were asked to bring their child to the bathroom during the break.
On camera, any correction was done gently.
Off camera, the correction was done a bit louder.

In my own little four-year-old way, I saw two types of behavior.
One…when cameras were on.
The other…when no one was watching.

I read once that our true character is the way we act when no one is watching.
I have never forgotten…

There is a Greek word for that…ophthalmodoulia from the word ophthalmos or “eye” and doulos for “slave”.

Eye slave.

Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but like slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart. Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men. (Ephesians 6:6,7)

God talks about this again in His Word.

Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to win their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord.
(Colossians 3:22)

When God repeats Himself in His Word, we better pay attention!

Jesus had strong words concerning hypocrisy!
He talked about planks and logs…and their removal. (Luke 6:41,42)
We are so ready to see the hypocrisy in someone else.
We fail to see it in ourselves.

Jesus knows us so well.
Nothing is hidden from Him.
Our motives are laid bare…even when we think we are doing a fine job of covering them up…and making them acceptable.

Our lives are lived in front of the Audience of One.
It is our Lord Jesus we are pleasing.
We belong to Him.

An actor in Greek theater was called a hypocrite.
A hypocrite was the person behind the mask.

The world may like our masks…may even encourage us to wear one.
We become the chameleon…always fitting in…never knowing who we really are.

Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.
(Hebrews 4:13)

Cameras are rolling before Him.
He views the dailies…the raw unedited footage of our lives.

He sees it all…and with amazing grace…loves us anyway.
There is such freedom in that kind of love.
Freedom to be the person He designed us to be…not the person others expect us to be.





Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!

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