Hidden Treasure
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My aunt worked her entire life and never married.
She was a fine secretary and met many influential people.
She was just Aunt Cass to me.
How I wish I could sit over a cup of tea and hear some of the old stories again.
I would now bring the wisdom of my years to our conversation.
I would ask questions that I never thought to ask in my youth.
After the Depression and World War II, she found work as a secretary.
She would retire as a legal secretary…but that was another story.
She was an amazing typist and marvelous at shorthand…organized…dedicated.
She eventually became secretary to the president of a chemical manufacturing company.
Various people would come to the office of the president on any given day.
She was the person they met first.
One day, when she was quite busy, a man passed by her office.
She noticed that he walked backwards in order to pass her office again.
Excuse me. May I look at that painting behind you?
Of course, my aunt said, getting up from her chair so he could have a better view.
Is Mr. Z in the office?
No, I’m sorry he is in a meeting. May I help you with something?
I am an art dealer.
I wonder if I would be permitted to hang some new pieces in his office?
You will have to talk to him. Do you have a phone number where he can reach you?
He will get in touch with you if he is interested.
The number was given.
The man was indeed an art dealer.
My aunt passed the information to Mr. Z and thought no more about it.
About a week later, the office was filled with people carrying carefully wrapped pieces of art which they proceeded to hang throughout the office.
I remember my aunt telling me how beautiful each piece was…and how it changed the ambiance of the office space.
Landscapes, seascapes…quiet, serene…tasteful.
The man came in a week later to see if the president was pleased.
After their meeting, as he was ready to leave, he asked my aunt if he could bring her a painting as well…a personal gift…for her kindness and professionalism.
Oh, no thank you…you have done quite enough already…making the office so lovely.
The next day, there was a carefully wrapped package on her desk.
She unwrapped it to find a painting.
Not at all like the quiet, serene, tasteful paintings that were now hanging in the office.
This one was yellow…with two people…a mother and her baby.
My aunt thought it was the ugliest thing she had ever seen!
She propped it up against a shelf and walked away.
From a distance, she liked it much more than when she was up close to it.
She resolved that she would give the painting away.
I remember the day she showed it to me.
I was never a fan of yellow…which I think was part of her problem with the painting.
She propped it up against the sofa, and told me to walk away…so I could see it better.
It wasn’t so bad after all.
She actually put the painting behind her sofa…on the floor…carefully wrapped…hidden.
I remember that she kept it for a while.
She did finally give it away.
The beautiful print, was Madame Roulin and Her Baby by Van Gogh.
She had a treasure all along…and never knew she had it.
The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it. (Matthew 13:44-46)
My aunt didn’t know the treasure she had hidden behind her sofa.
She relied on her personal taste rather than relying on the truth.
The Art Dealer sees that a different ambiance is needed.
The old art is removed…the new art takes its place.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
(2 Corinthians 5:17)
Many people fail to recognize the treasure of their salvation.
They take it for granted.
They hide their treasure behind spiritual sofas…carefully wrapped.
They never bring their treasure into the light so it can be seen.
Many people, looking at a piece of art, will not understand it.
It will be ugly to some…and beautiful to others.
Many people looking at a changed life…will not understand it.
New life in Christ will be offensive to some…and beautiful to others.
For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other the fragrance of life.
(2 Corinthians 2:15,16)
Treasure in a field.
Fine pearls.
A masterpiece.
This is who we are in Christ.
This is the Kingdom treasure we possess.
No more hiding!
Display Him clearly to a world craving His beauty.
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