
The Hug

Posted in Daily Living | 1 Comment

I took care of two precious little boys today while their Mom went to an orthodontist appointment with their oldest brother.
This is home away from home for them.
They like Mrs. Gallagher’s toys!

First…they are not my toys.
They are my children’s toys…more specifically my sons’ toys.
These two little boys have their favorite things to play with while they are here.

They know the closet I keep the toys in.
They know the high shelf they have to point to in order to get the castle and the knights.
They know the bin where the fire-breathing dragon hides.

I am privileged to watch their play.
Sometimes, if asked, I am privileged to enter their play…with them.
Today we had a surprise party for a best friend…who may or may not exist!
We got out the kitchen and the play food…and somehow the dragon fell asleep in the sink!

The world of a child is innocent, imaginative, simple.
The world of a child is the closest thing to the Kingdom.

The littlest one wanted to climb up on my favorite chair…the one in my husband’s office.
The one that calls to me for those twenty minutes of eye resting.
It is a leather recliner and he knows exactly how to get the chair back…just right.

Except, today, the winged dragon needed to be on the chair with him.
As he climbed up with determination and precision, the wing of the dragon caught him under the chin.

The pain cry.
Silent at first…almost as if the child is deciding whether it really hurts or not.
Then…it all comes out…the pain, the frustration, the I need my Mommy lament.

I got him down and into my lap in one fell swoop!
Mrs. Gallagher’s hug would have to do.

I told him softly…I used to hug Molly like this!
Molly is my youngest and is their official babysitter.
I used to hug Erin and Claire and Kevin and Brian…
The cadence of their names soothed him.

With sorrowful eyes, he looked up at me.
You did? But they’re all big!
Yes they are…
I answered with a wistful twinge in my heart.

The tears stopped…the hug remainedfor a few more wonderful minutes.
When he finally pulled away, he noticed that his tears were on my shirt.
He pointed and looked up as if that might be a problem.
Absolutely…no problem at all.

Any mother can attest to all the things that end up on your shirt.
This morning’s breakfast…milk stains on your shoulderjelly…marker (usually the permanent kind).

Lots of love!

People were bringing little children to Jesus to have Him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, He was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the Kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” And He took the children in His arms, put His hands on them and blessed them.
(Mark 10:13-16)

As we get older, things get more complicated.
Wouldn’t it be nice if everything was solved with a hug?
Can you imagine…one fell swoop?
A loving embrace…problem gone…brokenness mended.

A hug can do that!
Jesus knew the power of a hug.

Jesus told the story of a man who had two sons.
The younger son wanted his share of the estate…before his father’s death.
The father divided it between his two sons…the older son getting the double portion.
The youngest son getting his share…about one third…of his father’s estate.
The younger son went away and squandered all his money on wild living.
When his money was gone…and he was in need…he tried to hire himself out for work.
Finally, he realized the futility of his situation.
He decided to go back and apologize to his father, and work as one of his hired men.

But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. (Luke 15:20)

The father didn’t even let his son finish his excuse.
He told his servants to bring him a robe, ring, and sandals.
He asked them to prepare a meal so they could celebrate the return of his son.

The father’s hug meant everything!
The father had to have been watching for his son…ready to meet him as he came home.
Such undeserved grace.

The same undeserved grace the Father lavishes on us.

Can you picture it?
Our pain cry…silent at first…then our wail of lament.
Someone is holding us…embracing us.

We look up with sorrowful eyes and see tear stains.
We wonder if that is a problem.
No problem at all.
He will wipe every tear from our eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. (Revelation 21:4)

We notice the fire-breathing dragon is chained.
We want our Daddy…our Abba.
We are never too big!


Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!

One response to “The Hug”

  1. Hugs are 2nd only to Jesus dying in our place and the Father’s love for us, and the indwelling of His Holy Spirit — the Trinity– so it’s only “2nd” not “4th!”

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