
Skylight Reflections

Posted in Daily Living | 2 Comments

I have the privilege of teaching a women’s Bible study.
We have been going through the Gospels over the past few years.
We went in a backwards order…starting with John, then Luke, followed by Mark.
We are currently studying the Gospel of Matthew.

We began this past week with an introduction, along with chapters one and two.
Christmas in September!

While I am preparing for each lesson, I walk around with the Gospel in my head.
I think of things as I go about my day.
I even jot down notes, in random places, as thoughts come to me.

That brings me to this morning.
I am an early riser…4:45 on weekdays…a little later on weekends.
Obviously, it is still dark when I get up.

As I go into our bathroom, to take my shower, I usually look up at our skylights.
I can always see the moon and the stars beautifully through these skylights.
It is very comforting…especially that early in the morning.
I only turn on a very dim light…giving the room a quiet ambiance to begin my day.

I walked in this morning, and looked up at the skylights, and saw a star…blinking.
I literally rubbed my eyes and looked again, but it was still there.
I decided it must be an airplane flying overhead, since it blinked with a precise rhythm.

This airplane…star…continued to blink…but it did not move.
Now, remember…Matthew’s Gospel is in my head…even at 4:45!
We just studied the star in Matthew’s Gospel.
I did not know what to make of what I was seeing!

I was ready to wake up my husband, and turned towards the door.
As I did, the same blinking light was now in the room with me!
There was actually a greenish hue to the light.

I looked over towards the sink.
My new electric toothbrush…that I had just purchased yesterday…was blinking.
The same rhythmic, greenish light.

As I tried to make sense of all of this, I looked at the toothbrush and up to the skylight.
It reminded me of the chorus of a song by Michael Card…When A Window Is A Mirror.

When a window is a mirror,
You see two ways at one time.
You look outside and see the land,
The mountains left to climb.
But also you can see inside
Your face is painted there
Behold your face, and see your place
And understand why you are here.

That is what I experienced.
I was looking out through the skylights and seeing the night sky.
But I was also able to see inside the same room I was standing in…reflected in the glass.

The light had to be just right for me to experience what I experienced this morning.
I was able to “see two ways at one time”.
It was unnerving at first, but then it amazed me.

I thought of that song.
I thought of the truth in the lyrics and in my experience this morning.

As water reflects a face, so a man’s heart reflects the man. (Proverbs 27:19)

How wonderful if my life could be like that skylight.
Someone sees me…looks right at me.
As they look at what is before them…they see something else.
Something different is being reflected back.

I pray that something…that Someone…is Jesus.

I earnestly pray that others see Him reflected clearly in me.
If we are in Christ, that should be our hope…our desire.

The window of our life is a mirror of Him.

The more we grow, the more we start to look like Him.
You know how husbands and wives start to look like each other after a while.
That is from spending a lot of time together.

If we spend time with our Lord Jesus…talk to Him in prayer…read the love letter of His Word…we will begin to look like Him!

We will have his mannerisms.
We will love what He loves.
We will have the sound of His voice.
We will have the mind of Christ. (1 Corinthians 2:16)

I want to reflect Christ.
I hope when people see me…they begin to see Him…and to hear Him!

Apart from Me you can do nothing! (John 15:5)

Just like our reflection in a window or a mirror can do nothing on its own…so too, us!
Jesus reflected the Father’s Glory.
We reflect Jesus’ Glory.
We have no glory of our own.
I’m glad about that!

I want people to be amazed!
Not at me…because on my own, I have nothing worthy of amazement!
I want them to be amazed at HIM…in me!
I long to be so transparent…so real…that others see Him clearly in my life.

This can be our prayer…
May I reflect You well, Lord Jesus.

May others come to know You through me.





Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!

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