Be All In
Posted in Poetry 2 Comments
Three little words to ponder anew.
As you focus…about to begin.
When you set to a task…when there’s still much to do.
Your motto should state: BE ALL IN!
Be all in your decision…your choices in life.
Not a foot on each side of the fence.
Straddling fences…a tiring task.
Choosing one side just seems to make sense!
But what side to pick…when they both look so clear?
Nothing wrong…as you look at the choice.
Each has its pros…each has its cons.
There is one that is best…says the Voice.
One is the way I have chosen for you.
One is the narrow road.
One is the way…where My will is best served.
One choice has the lighter load.
Be all in your decision…once made, you can rest.
You know from the peace in your heart,
The way that you chose…as directed by Him,
Is always the best place to start!
Be all in your choices…once prayed for…once made.
If “of Him”…then don’t second guess!
Be all in the fact that you trust Him…and stand.
Let your answer resound simply, “Yes!”
Be all in your faith…be all in your prayers.
Be all in your time in the Word.
Be all in whenever you talk to someone.
Be all in…they’ll know they are heard.
It’s so hard to know which way to turn.
If only there would be a sign.
Walking with Him…that you trust with your life,
Hearing Him say, “You are mine.”
Fence straddling choices will never get made.
They sit there and soon gather dust.
Hop off the fence and on to one side.
Be all in…not a whim…but a “must.”
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” (Isaiah 30:18)
Something we have to make every day.
Some decisions can be made without thinking…almost on auto-pilot.
What will I wear?
What shall I have for breakfast?
What music should I listen to on my iPod?
Some decisions require more thought and more prayer…and a step of faith.
Should I ask her to marry me?
What job should I take?
Should we buy a new car or fix our old one?
As we get older, decisions get harder.
More choices…more possibilities…more confusion.
Through it all, there is our Lord Jesus.
The same yesterday, today, and forever.
Our Lord Jesus who also had a decision to make in a garden.
Our Lord Jesus who laid down His will for the sake of His Father.
Going a little farther, He fell to the ground and prayed that if possible the hour might pass from Him. “Abba, Father,” He said, “everything is possible for You. Take this cup from Me.
Yet not what I will , but what You will.” (Mark 14:35,36)
Jesus had a decision to make…go to the cross or not.
Save us from our sins…or leave us in our sin.
He knew what He had to do…but the garden shows us that He struggled with the decision.
The will of God the Father won out!
Jesus was in such distress…He sweat drops of blood.
No fence sitting for Jesus!
Can you imagine if Jesus had a foot on each side of the fence?
We would still be dead in our sins.
Some decisions are that important!
Our decisions will never be as weighty as the one Jesus had to make in the garden.
I am comforted to know that Jesus understands our struggle when we have to make a decision.
He has been there!
There, in the garden, Jesus submitted to the will of His Father.
He made His decision.
Jesus…the One born to die!
Jesus…the incarnate example of Be All In.
Thank you, Janna.
I wrote this poem…thanks to my son, Brian.
He wisely used the term BE ALL IN, in conversation at our kitchen table.
I never forgot it…I pondered those words for quite a while.