The List
Posted in Salvation 4 Comments
We all know the feeling.
We tryout for a sport team…or a high school production.
The list is posted on a bulletin board where everyone can see.
First cuts…second cuts…final cuts.
You search frantically to see if your name is on the list.
You forget for a minute, if M comes before N, as you nervously scroll down the page.
You see your name!
Excitement…hugs…you walk away… high five’s for anyone nearby.
You don’t see your name!
Dejected…frustrated…you walk away with your head hung low.
We have all been there…one way or another.
For quite a few years, I had the privilege of being my county’s coordinator for the National Day of Prayer, which is always held on the first Thursday of May.
What a blessing to work alongside wonderful pastors…standing on the steps of our county courthouse…praying in Jesus’ name.
What a humbling experience to pray for our families, our churches, our nation…as we bowed before the only Lord we serve…the Lord Jesus Christ.
Wonderful worship leaders led us in songs of praise.
People came with chairs and sat on the sidewalk, or sat on the old stone wall.
The street corner…filled with people…all there for the same reason…to pray.
There was a traffic light at the corner, where the two roads met in front of the courthouse.
At the red light, drivers would respectfully turn down the music in their cars.
Some would even turn the music off completely…perhaps to hear what was being said.
The courthouse is at the center of the business district for our county.
There are quaint, brick buildings on every corner.
I stood back and took it all in.
I was amazed at the number of people in the upstairs windows across the street, watching everything that was happening on the street below.
Even the hot dog vendor, with his cart in the same spot for years, moved around the corner…without even being asked…to make room for the people to pray.
People coming together to pray.
No lists…no programs…no one even knew the name of the person leading in prayer.
The focus was on Christ…as it should be.
In 2005, I had the additional privilege of going to Washington, DC. for the annual National Day of Prayer celebration.
There was a formal invitation to the East Room of the White House.
A wonderful choir of young people sang for us, the President spoke, along with a few speakers who explained the significance of the day.
This special time was followed by a continental breakfast in an adjoining room, along with a tour of the White House.
My husband and I were honored to be invited that year.
There were many security hoops we had to go through in order to enter the White House.
We waited outside, ready to go through the first checkpoint.
A woman was checking ID…clipboard in her hand.
I approached her and showed my ID.
She looked down at her official paper and talked very professionally.
You may go through…You’re on the list.
One of my dear friends, Jeanne, from National Day of Prayer, tapped my shoulder.
I turned around to see her smiling face.
You’re on the list…but aren’t you glad you’re on the other one?
I knew exactly what she meant…and I agreed.
After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of Him to every town and place where He was about to go. He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field…He who listens to you listens to Me; he who rejects you rejects Me; but he who rejects Me rejects Him who sent Me. The seventy-two returned with joy and said, “Lord, even the demons submit to us in Your name.” He replied, “…However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven. (Luke 10:1,2, 16-20)
Can you imagine a list of all our sins…on a bulletin board for everyone to see?
We would be embarrassed…no hugs…no high five’s…our head hung low.
There is another list.
This list is in the book of life.
The book with the names of all who belong to the Lamb that was slain.
Jesus, the spotless Lamb of God.
We traded our list of sins for His list of perfect obedience.
Jesus took our list to the cross…it was nailed there.
His perfect list becomes ours…His perfect righteousness becomes ours.
That is what it means to be in Christ.
Trading lists.
Instead of getting the just punishment for our list of sins…we get undeserved grace… complete forgiveness…His perfect righteousness…eternal life.
Rejoice that your names are written in heaven.
The Lamb’s Book of Life.
The only list that matters.
Gina, it truly is a great reminder of what is most important. The lists & busyness of our daily lives must shrink in obedience to God our Father. God is so faithful to us.
Bless you friend, Bobbie
The enemy wants to keep us so busy that we are too distracted to think about God and Kingdom things.
We need to hear HIS gentle whisper…in the stillness.
Miss you, friend.
Gory to God—to exchange my list for His…infinitely unspeakable, unmerited, yet true.
We should have such incredible JOY because of what He has done for us.
The list is gone…and in its place…HIS perfect righteousness.
Thank you for your sweet friendship through the years…as we continue to point each other to HIM!
Miss you, friend!