The Anniversary
Posted in Family Life 4 Comments
October 17, 1981.
Thirty one years ago today, my husband and I were married.
It was a gorgeous fall day…with the trees ablaze in color…and the sky the bluest blue.
Let me go back to the beginning.
High school…the next step.
After years with the same friends, you are suddenly thrust into this ocean of people.
People from different schools…different towns.
Everything different.
My high school was exceptionally large…over 4,000 students in the entire school.
There were 1,000 students in the freshman class alone.
There were many activities.
All sorts of sports…not for me!
Band…not for me since I played the piano.
Musicals…now that was something I was interested in.
I was in most of the shows…but only in the chorus.
I never knew that he was on stage crew, in the fly…above the stage…able to see me when I could not see him.
I had many honors classes and loved the writing, reading, and poetry of my English class.
I enjoyed studying foreign languages as well.
Math and science were not my favorite subjects.
In order to do well, I had to work really hard.
The first week of school you quickly learn about the people in your classes.
There was a boy in many of my classes that was so smart…yet so quiet.
While I sat in the back of my math class, with friends of mine who also thought it was terribly difficult, this boy sat in the front row.
He paid attention and understood what was going on.
When I walked into Biology class, there he was…again.
After a while, I would linger a bit and fix my stack of books so that we could walk out of class together.
I was the one who did most of the talking…but he seemed to like my company.
Our teacher in Biology class was somewhat cruel in his methods.
When he would return our tests, he would tell us to all stand up in the front of the room.
It was a lecture type classroom, with rows of seats that went up towards the back wall.
We would stand there and he would call our names.
Worst grade…front row…first seat.
Best grade…back row…last seat.
I was usually in the first few rows.
This boy was way in the back.
Except once…the reproduction chapter!
I got one of the highest grades…and he was a level below me!
I found myself asking him for help during our study halls.
I could have asked another girl…but it wouldn’t have been as much fun.
He offered much help but little talk.
So much for fun!
By sophomore year, we were still in classes together and the Soph Hop was approaching.
I did what I never thought I could do…I asked him to go with me!
Since he only had his learner’s permit, we went to the dance…driven by his father!
Junior Prom…Senior Prom…all the pictures began to look the same!
Graduation…college…he went to a wonderful engineering school in Atlanta.
I stayed here and commuted to college.
Long distance relationships were very hard.
No cell phones…no Facebook…no computers…no Skype.
One pay phone on the floor of his dorm…someone would have to go get him if I called.
Even when he finally had a phone in his room, we still only talked once a week.
Looking back, there was a sweetness to that.
We looked forward to talking and catching up.
It was good to miss each other and concentrate on our studies without distraction.
Senior year, he began interviewing for engineering jobs all over the country.
He had job offers in various locations, but decided to stay here in Pennsylvania because family was here…the job was a good one…and we liked where we lived.
He came home at Christmastime and got sick with the flu.
He was so run down from the month of travel and interviews.
All of our Christmas Eve plans were cancelled…he was sick in bed and I was home alone.
The next day, I went over to wish him a Merry Christmas, and to see how he was feeling.
He looked terrible and was still weak and feverish.
He was propped up in bed…the door opened…the house filled with people.
He reached down and pulled out a small wrapped box from beneath his bed.
I looked at it…at him…fevered cheeks and tired eyes.
Open it, he said gently.
A ring…an engagement ring…beautiful…just the simple elegance I would have chosen.
I cried…I hugged him.
I have teased him to this day…that he never actually asked me to marry him.
I never actually said yes!
He has made up for that in many ways throughout the years.
Five children…each a precious testimony to our love.
He is still quieter than I am.
He still does much better in math and science than me...but I have never let him forget that I did better in the reproduction chapter of our Biology class all those years ago!
There is no one else I could ever imagine journeying through life with.
No one else I could ever imagine being the father of my children.
No one else…then…now…or in the future.
Love…Commitment…when it is easy…when it is hard.
A promise…a sacred covenant.
Happy Anniversary, Michael.
I love you.
For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. (Genesis 2:24)
Happy Anniversary Gina and Michael! Five children…I guess he paid some attention in the reproduction chapter!
Thank you, Darlene.
I guess he did!
This is so sweet mom! Happy anniversary! I love you!
Thank you, Claire!
Dad and I love you, too.