
Go Ahead And Blush

Posted in Christian Worldview | 2 Comments

Anyone who knows me, knows that I like to wear lipstick.
Nothing too dark…or garish…but a nice color to brighten my face.
Anyone who knows me, knows that I always have a tube of lipstick in my purse, one at my dressing table, and one in my desk drawer in the kitchen.

Ask any woman.
She will tell you there is always one thing she will never leave the house without!
Lipstick is my one thing!

I just finished rescheduling a dentist appointment for my college age son.
I looked up at my bulletin board above my desk in the kitchen.
There were numerous appointment cards for eye exams, dentist, hair cuts.
The dentist appointment cards triggered a memory.

When we were living in our first home, we went to a different dentist.
It was a large group…which I disliked because you never saw the same person.

I knew when we had children, I wanted our own dentist.
One person who would take care of our whole family.
We have had that dentist for years…and are so blessed to have him.

I usually don’t get cavities.
I have only had two in my life.
The large dental group filled the last one…about 30 years ago.

Because they had to drill a bit, they gave me Novocaine.
I sat there…forgetting that tingling sensation in my mouth I felt as a child.
I had been a small girl when I had my first filling.

In no time, the cavity was filled and I was on my way.
As I left to walk to my car, I remembered that I never put my lipstick back on.
Since I never go anywhere without it…I pulled out the tube and applied it as I walked.

I’m a pro!
I could do this without a mirror.
I’ve done this a thousand times before.
But…never with the effects of Novocaine still wearing off!

I knew where my lips were…the same place they had always been!
On the side that received the Novocaine…what I thought were my lips…wasn’t.
Consequently, I applied the lipstick to the side of my face!

A few people stared as I passed them…but I had no idea why.
I just smiled a crooked Novocaine smile back at them!

When I got in my car, I caught a glimpse of myself in the rear view mirror.
I was mortified!
Me, the lipstick girl…had lipstick all over my face!

I took a tissue and wiped it off and tried to reapply it correctly.
Now I saw what was so difficult!
I was numb…I felt nothing on that side.
A simple task…one I did every day…couldn’t be done…when I felt nothing!

From the least to the greatest, all are greedy for gain; prophets and priests alike, all practice deceit. They dress the wound of My people as though it were not serious. “Peace, peace,” they say, when there is no peace. Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. (Jeremiah 6:13-15)

I knew how to blush that day!
I still do…very readily!

Many in our culture do not know how to blush.
Desensitization is happening to us right under our noses.
We are growing used to things…nothing shocks us any more!

It should!

My son, keep your father’s commands and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. Bind them upon your heart forever; fasten them around your neck. When you walk, they will guide you; when you sleep, they will watch over you; For these commands are a lamp, this teaching is a light, and the corrections of discipline are the way to life.
(Proverbs 6:20-23)

When parents are in Christ, the father’s commands and the mother’s teaching should be God’s commands and God’s teaching.
The home should be a place where God is honored above all else.
God’s Word should be read and obeyed.
Talking to God in prayer should be frequent…and modeled to young children.

A family who worships Jesus as Lord seeks to do His will.
God’s Word is the plumb line for their choices and behavior.
It is not how close you can get to the line of temptation, but how far away you can remain.

You blush when confronted with the things of the world.
That is a good thing!
May we never be so used to ungodliness…that we don’t even notice it anymore.

In a culture that puts God behind their back, anything is fair game.
Right and wrong is relative.
There is no absolute truth.
Everything is equally valid…which means, in actuality, nothing is!

The further we go from God…the more we look to ourselves for answers.
We don’t have any answers…apart from Him.
Fear takes over…and soon our voices are silenced.
We are afraid to offend.

Yet, if we look to HIM…we would realize that He is the scandalon.
He is the offense.
He is the stumbling stone.
A stone that causes men to stumble and the rock that makes them fall. (Isaiah 8:14b)

Blushing and saying “no” to ungodliness is necessary.
Only then will the world will see a difference.
If we blend in with the world, we have lost the opportunity to hold out a better way.
HIS way!

Go ahead and blush!
Something is very right when you do!



Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!


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