
Apple Of His Eye

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I poked myself in the eye this morning.
I woke up and quickly jumped out of bed to turn off my alarm.
I keep my alarm clock on the other side of the room so that once I’m up…I’m up!
When I rubbed my sleepy eyes, I poked my eye with my finger.

We have all poked our eye with something.
It hurts!
Your eye wants to stay closed…almost as if to say…leave me alone!
Walking around with one eye opened and one eye closed is no easy task.

The hot water of the shower will help, I thought…umm…not so much!
A hot compress will ease the pain…no…that didn’t work either.
I decided to shield my eye from the light…go without eye makeup…wait it out!

Hours later…it was less red…less sore…less light sensitive.

One tiny little poke!

...for whoever touches you, touches the apple of His eye – I will surely raise my hand against them…(Zechariah 2:8,9)

Keep me as the apple of Your eye; hide me in the shadow of Your wings. (Psalm 17:8)

He shielded him and cared for him; He guarded him as the apple of His eye.
(Deuteronomy 32:10)

The apple of God’s eye.

The pupil is often called the apple of the eye.
God has designed the eye with such precision.
The eye will automatically shut to protect the pupil from injury of foreign objects.
The eye will automatically squint to shield the eyes from too much light.

In His Word, God describes His people as the apple of His eye.
What a lovely thing to say!

Our tiny pupil, is indispensable, yet extremely vulnerable and prone to injury.
Our whole body is ready to protect the pupil from harm.
Our eyelids have an automatic reflex to snap shut at the tiniest hint of danger.
Our tears bathe our eyes with liquid if anything irritating enters it.
We are very aware of pain or pressure in and around our eye.

The natural, protective measures God puts in place for our own eyes, helps us understand, to some degree, how far He will go to protect His people.

My son, keep my words and store up my commands and you will live; guard my teachings as the apple of your eye.
(Proverbs 7:1,2)

God’s people are the apple of His eye.
Similarly, we are told in God’s Word that we are to take care of His teachings just as we would care for our own eye.

When I poked my eye this morning, I did everything I could to minimize the pain.
I did everything I could to protect my eye.

Am I that careful when I handle the Word of God?
Do I protect God’s Word?
Do I consider the Word of God indispensable to me?

God will raise His Hand against anything that will harm His people.
God keeps us and protects us…as He hides us under the shadow of His wings.
God shields us, and cares for us, and guards us.

How blessed we are!

Some people are Light sensitive.
They snap their heart shut at the first hint of the Light of God’s Word.
They may say, Leave me alonethis is too painful.
Through prayer and faithful discipleship, as God wills, they will come to love the Light.

Look, He is coming in the clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all the peoples of the earth will mourn because of Him. (Revelation 1:7)

When Jesus comes back, every eye will see Him on that day.
Some will shield their eyes, since they have kept their eyes closed to the Light.
Some, who have loved the Light, will joyfully call Him, Lord.

He knows them…the apple of His eye.
He has kept them, cared for them, shielded them, protected them.
Now, in the glorious Light, with eyes wide open, they finally see Him face to face.



Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!


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