
Wake Up

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Wake up, O sleeper…wake up!
Like an ostrich in the sand.
Look around you and take note.
What is happening to our land?

Survival of the fittest is the norm.
No time for new life or for old.
A baby disposed of…no matter when.
A bill of goods we’ve been sold.

When social issues are right in front.
Yet people are all out of work.
When rewriting history is paramount.
When honor and duty we shirk.

God has been pushed from our daily life.
For we want to be in control.
Families are strewn by the side of the road.
Self fulfillment is always the goal.

Young people wait to be married now.
If they get married at all.
Old-fashioned…we don’t really need it!
Reads the writing on the wall.

Violence fills the streets where we live.
Life is valued no more.
It’s getting worse, the people cry.
Is it even worth fighting for?

Perhaps if we fall on our knees and repent.
Repent of our terrible pride.
Repent of the way we have shoved God away.
And beg Him to be by our side.

Perhaps if we stop the distractions,
That are stealing so much of our time.
If we sit and we talk face to face more.
Conversations would be so sublime.

We look around at our country.
Something is missing, we say.
We’re walking around in darkness.
Where’s the Truth, the Life, the Way?

Nothing on earth can fix us.
Nothing we do on our own.
Only the Lord can redeem us.
The One who sits on His throne.

The One who holds the world in His hands.
The world that His hands have made.
The One we forget till we need Him.
The One who has faithfully prayed.

No government can fix us.
No leader can bring us relief.
We have turned our back on the only One,
That is worthy of our belief.

Wake up, O sleeper…wake up!
We have made such a mess of this life.
He never said it would be easy.
He said we’d have trouble and strife.

But He always promised to be there.
So we would never be alone.
He gave us His Word to follow,
With directions on how to get home.

The sad thing is our perspective.
That this life is all that there is.
Thinking we only belong to ourselves.
When truly…we really are His!

Wake up, O sleeper…He’s calling.
Get out of your lazy old bed.
There’s work to be done…He’ll assign you.
You must obey and do what He said.

Stand and fight for His glory.
Say NO to the things that are wrong.
Don’t sugarcoat our condition.
Stand up. Stand firm. Stand strong.


People need to be governed.
They will either be governed from the inside or the outside.
The best form of governance is from the inside.
Laws written upon the heart.

I will put My law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God and they will be My people. No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying, “Know the Lord” because they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest,” declares the Lord. For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more. (Jeremiah 31:33,34)

Governance from the inside.
The Word of God written on our heart.

No man-made rules will ever change us.
Only when God changes our heart, can things turn around.

Is it worth fighting for?

We battle for God’s honor and glory…not our own.
We must take back the ground the enemy has gained!

Why do we fear?

When I am afraid, I will trust in You. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me? (Psalm 56:3,4)

This is not our home.
We are here for a little while.
While we are here, we stake our claim for the Lord.
We put His banner in the ground.

There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ does not cry “Mine.” (Abraham Kuyper)



Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!


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