The Art Of Pruning
Posted in Discipleship 4 Comments
The trees are so pretty now in early spring.
Some trees have flowering blossoms that come before the leaves.
It is delightful to walk under a shower of pink and white petals.
The breeze blows them gently off the trees.
They lay along the road like newly fallen snow.
Our township road crew drove around a few weeks ago inspecting the trees.
Branches that were hanging over the road were cut off.
The trees on our front lawn are set back a bit, so we only had a few branches cut.
Trees that were closer to the road got a full fledged township pruning.
How I wish our township road crew had been around as I was driving home.
Most of our country roads are windy and beautifully tree lined.
Occasionally, vines will hang down precariously over the roadway.
They must be driven under when there is no way around them.
I was driving home…enjoying the pretty spring day.
I had just passed our church and rounded a big curve.
A few cars were coming the other way.
On the side of the road was a tree with a vine hanging down.
Since there was a car coming towards me, I had to drive under the vine.
I heard a noise as the vine swayed and came back and hit my windshield.
It was not a vine…but a branch.
It wasn’t even a big branch!
The way it swung back…it made a crack in my windshield.
Two little spider lines started to appear…one on the top and one on the bottom.
I came home and let my husband know.
I am waiting for someone to come out and replace the windshield.
I even called the township to let them know the location of the branch.
I would not want this to happen to someone else.
I am the true vine, and My Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in Me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit He prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in Me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in Me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing. (John 15:1-5)
An expert gardener is needed in order to prune trees correctly.
Pruning removes the dead branches.
Pruning allows new growth.
Pruning is good for the tree.
The gardener knows which branches he needs to prune.
The branch probably thinks it is being cut off.
Pruning and being cut off must feel the same to the tree.
We are Jesus’ branches.
God the Father…the Master Gardener…knows which branches to prune.
God the Father knows which branches to cut off.
God the Father knows the reasons why.
In those days and at that time I will make a righteous Branch sprout from David’s line; He will do what is just and right in the land. In those days Judah will be saved and Jerusalem will live in safety. This is the name by which He will be called: The Lord Our Righteousness.
(Jeremiah 33:15,16)
The Branch, sprouting from the line of David, was Jesus.
He is the TRUE vine.
We are His branches.
We are to bear fruit for Him.
We are not to be pretty blossoms that blow away like chaff in the gentle breeze.
As painful as it may be, we must accept pruning from our Heavenly Father.
His Garden is beautiful.
He knows how to tend it.
He knows which dead branches to cut off.
He knows which branches to prune so that there will be new growth.
He knows that even though we may not like the pruning, it is good for us.
No matter how painful the pruning may be, it is far better than being cut off.
We need to stay close to the Vine.
Attached to Jesus, our Vine, we are nourished.
Attached to Jesus, our Vine, we will grow and flourish.
Accept God’s pruning.
He knows what He is doing.
It is wonderful to be a branch that is connected to the True Vine.
Cut off from Him, we wither and die.
Connected to Him, we will bear much fruit.
It is truly harsh sometimes, the amount of pruning needed for berry bushes and fruit trees to produce the best fruit. Tomatoes need “sucker off” to produce the largest juiciest fruit. It Seems that we cut them back so much it can’t be good but it is. That is what has to happen to us also. The pruning is sometimes great and seems harsh at the time. But God knows that this cutting off will bring better fruit. Now I’m asking myself and God what I need to cut or trim out to produce a better life in Him.
As I have grown to know you more, I see your love for the Lord.
I know that you trust the Master Gardener.
He is pruning each of us.
What glorious fruit there will be!
Your words are always a blessing, Gina. Have you ever considered sharing your God Given thoughts in a book or passing your web site on to other churches so many can receive His Word? You are a beautiful vessel for Him and His Light shines! Blessings, Linda Leinbach. (Fl.)
How encouraging your words are to me! Thank you.
I have been praying about the things you suggest…and trust that God will lead.
Would you pray along with me?
I look forward to the day we meet face to face.