Play Date
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She looked at me with her big blue eyes.
Her cute little dress just perfect for Sunday.
She has gotten so tall; living up to her “big sister” moniker.
She and I have a sweet friendship.
What books are you reading? is always one of the first questions I ask her.
This little girl is home-schooled.
She is bright, precocious, inquisitive, and creative.
She has a love of sea creatures and can tell you in detail about anything that fascinates her.
She told me the name of a chapter book she is reading.
Do you know that I finished it during my breakfast time?
That doesn’t surprise me!
You have to call my Mommy and set up a play date, she said in her matter of fact tone.
Will you bring your book with you so you can read to me?
I put my arm around her shoulder.
Yes, I will…and, you know, you could always get me some more!
Her openness and honesty is so refreshing.
Everything is on the table; no holds barred.
You know, I go to a sale two times every year and find lots of old things there.
They have shelves and shelves of books at this sale that cost a quarter, or fifty cents…
I could go with you…and we could get books together.
You could call my Mommy and set up a play date.
You and Mommy can have tea and I can play with the dogs.
She has our whole morning planned.
The “dogs” are a basket of toy dogs that she loves to play with when she comes to visit.
She sets up all the accessories and will play on the floor for hours.
I thought of her comment all the way home from church.
You can call Mommy and set up a play date!
Tea, toys, and conversation.
I could go with you…and we could get books together.
Coming alongside, supporting, and encouraging.
In her own little seven-year-old way, she described the Church.
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were being done by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Everyday they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. (Acts 2:42-47)
Play date. Fellowship.
Having Tea. Breaking bread.
The time and place may be different, but the reason for meeting is the same.
The Church is not a building.
The Church is a group of people…believers in Jesus Christ…who meet together regularly.
They eat and fellowship together.
They pray with and for each other.
They are devoted to the preaching and teaching of the Word of God.
They love the Lord Jesus.
I have heard it said that we need the Church like we need air!
That is true…when we talk about the Church with a capital “C”.
Church with a capital “C” means the Church body…the body of believers.
We do need each other!
Our church family are people we rejoice with, cry with, serve with.
They are people who make meals for the birth of a baby, or an illness, or a death.
They are people who walk with you as you raise your children.
They are people who promise to keep you accountable as you teach your child about Jesus.
They are people that help you in your own walk with the Lord.
They are people that love you because they love Christ first!
They are family in every sense of the word.
My precious seven-year-old friend had it right.
It IS time for a play date in my home…sharing fellowship in the name of the Lord.
Not age segregated but age inclusive…gleaning from one another.
Enjoying each other because we enjoy Him.
Loving each other because we love Him.
Sharing sweet fellowship together because we want to be with others who know Him.
Getting, not just any book, but THE book…God’s Word…and reading it together.
For where two or three come together in My name, there I am with them.
(Matthew 18:20)
Sounds like it’s time for a play date.
He will be right there with us!
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