
Fleshed-Out Community

Posted in Discipleship | 8 Comments

I had the privilege of seeing “community” lived-out…twice in one day!
Standing in line, a mother with two children was asking where she could buy plants.
The cashier and the customer next in line suggested quite a few places.
They included detailed directions and price expectations.

The location of one garden store stumped both women.
I had been listening to their conversation as I waited my turn.
I happened to know exactly where she needed to go and the landmarks to get her there.

Three strangers…helping someone go on her way.
We were a good team, I said after the mother left, and we all agreed.
We had our entire county covered in a matter of minutes.
I don’t think this woman could possibly have gotten lost with our thoroughness.

Three very different people putting their heads together to help another.

For as long as I can remember, I wanted to write.
My first stories were handwritten and put in a makeshift book, tied together with yarn.
I never minded the dreaded writing assignment in school.
All that creativity had to go somewhere!

Writing vignettes for a Sunday newspaper, when I was newly married.
Writing devotionals for my former church’s newspaper.
At the urging of my children and a few dear friends, I began a devotional blog.
Listening to the Whispers of God each day: seeing Him…hearing Him, in the ordinary.

Each day, my heart is placed on the table.
Each day, God’s Word is intentionally spotlighted for all to see.
Each day I have tried to give the Whispers He has given me, back to Him.

Through a series of events, the Whispers I hear each day will be published in a book.
How to get over 400 posts down to 175?
Only God could do the choosing.
This is His!
He gets all the Glory!

This was the last week of the Bible study I taught this summer.
Many of the women, “my sweet sisters”, have been coming to Bible study for years.
We have shared much, prayed much, and loved much.

As the Bible study came to an end, I shared the news that the blog was to be published.
The love, support, and encouragement could be palpably felt in that room.

These are women who have prayed for the Whispers to continue each day.
These are the women who keep me accountable, whether they know it or not.
These are the women I love deeply in the Lord.

One dear friend, way in the back of the sanctuary, asked if they all could pray for me.
Could we pray over you as you go forward with this book?
I was so incredibly touched, as all of the women walked forward and gathered around me.

Some put their hands on my shoulders.
Some put their hands over mine.
We’ll form a chain, I heard someone say.
Time stood still, as I listened to them lift their requests on my behalf to the Lord.
There were many tears…there was such incredible love.

I was so humbled.
I was so grateful.
Grateful for these precious women…my sweet sisters.
Grateful to God…for this privilege.

A deacon at my church, who has been praying for this endeavor, spoke with such wisdom.
He has been praying for each blog post…all along.
He knows that this is not about notoriety.
He knows that this is not about profit, yet he corrected me.
It is about profit!
The profit of getting the Word of God into the hands of the people!

A writer friend spoke into my life months ago.
This is not about self-promotion, but God-promotion.

The deacon from my church is right.
My writer friend is right.
They are bookends given to me from God.
My sweet sisters covered this entire package with their heart-felt prayer.

Getting the Word of God into the hands of the people.
Not self-promotion but God-promotion.
Helping someone go on their way without getting lost.

As far as hearing the Whispers
Speak Lord, for your servant is listening. (1 Samuel 3:9)


Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.
(John 21:25)



Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!

8 responses to “Fleshed-Out Community”

  1. To see the smile on your face and the joy in your heart today as a result of what has happened this week was uplifting to me! I don’t think your feet touched the ground all morning!

  2. Your voice mail was so encouraging, thank you. You may have wished you could have spoken to me but the voice was key. I can tell you why later. Just know that He used you to speak into my life as He apparently used me to do for you. To God be all the Glory forever and ever.

  3. Congratulations Gina, on becomming published! I have been reading these for some time now and enjoy your messages. Some days it seems they were written just for me. I am so happy to hear you may now reach a larger audience!

    • Thanks, Karen.
      Isn’t God amazing…to give us just the right words at just the right time?
      I am delighted that you are blessed.

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