
Comfy Friends

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My son has a hat.
A special hat he got when he studied at the Contemporary Music Center in Nashville.
It is a baseball hat with the student-designed logo on the front.
He and his special hat were inseparable that semester.
They still are.

I looked at that hat recently and it is showing wear.
The brim is dirty; the inside needs a good washing.
When I suggested as much, the idea was dismissed.
I don’t want anything to happen to it, Mom.

It is a comfy hat.
It is well worn in all the right places.
It is just the way he likes it.

I remember when my boys were young and they would get a new baseball hat.
A special hat with the logo of their favorite team.
They would take the hat out of the bag and fold the brim in their hands.
They wanted it to look “lived in” and fit just right.

People pay good money for that “lived in” look.
Clothes are made to look old…with a very new price tag.
When jeans got too short, they were either passed down, or cut off.
Now they are purposefully “distressed” with distressing price tags.

They are meant to look worn…without the work.

Everyone has a “comfy” something.
Comfy jeans, socks, shoes…a comfy chair.
Whatever it is, it is well worn in all the right places.
It feels like home!

There is also such a thing as a comfy friend.
The kind of friend that knows us so well.
The kind of friend who can pick up right where we left off.
No need to go back to chapter one.

A comfy pair of jeans type friend.

There is also such a thing as an uncomfortable friend.
The kind of friend who doesn’t care to read the story of your life.
They are much too busy reading the chapters of their own lives to you.
They can be an exhausting, prickly kind of friend.

A Victorian corset kind of friend.
Laces pulled tight, giving the illusion of comfort.

Give me a comfy pair of jeans friend any day!
Worn in just the right places.
A friend who feels like home.

A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. (Proverbs 18:24)

To be a comfy jeans kind of friend.
Worn in all the right places.
The kind of friend that feels like home!

We don’t want to be around the Victorian corset kind of friend.
Foot against the bedpost…pulling the laces tight…having to hold your breath to make it fit.
The kind of friend that feels like strange surroundings.

Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
You are My friend if you do as I command. (John 15:13,14)

Jesus is our Lord and Savior.
Jesus is also our Friend.
Jesus is a well worn Friend…with scars He received for us.

Distressed…with an exorbitant price tag!
The price tag of our debt that we could never repay on our own.
Jesus paid the price with His life.

Well worn…because HE did the work for us!
The best kind of Friend.
The kind of Friend that feels like Home!



Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!

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