The Way Refreshment Looks From Here
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I heard the familiar sound coming from the next aisle.
I smiled because it took me back twenty-seven years.
When I rounded the corner with my shopping cart, I saw them.
A mother and daughter were grocery shopping.
You still call it grocery shopping when the child is only eighteen-months old.
You still call it helping when they hold paper towels bigger than they are.
You still call it efficient when you forget most of the items on your list.
The little girl was making herself heard.
She was not crying; she was not being difficult in the least.
She just liked to hear herself talk.
Her talking consisted of sounds, loud sounds, which embarrassed her mother.
She loved the reaction she got when her mom gently put a hand over her mouth.
She giggled when her mom said; you’re being too noisy, with a smile on her face.
The little girl thought it was a game.
I make a sound and my mom reacts.
I make a sound and my mom smiles.
I make a sound and my mom puts her hand on my mouth and I can grab it.
The mother looked frustrated, yet all the while her own laugh was right below the surface.
I had been there, exactly there, with my second daughter.
I knew what she was feeling.
An older woman walked by and gave the mother a…can’t you control your child…look.
I walked up to the two of them and smiled at the little girl.
These huge brown eyes looked into mine and smiled back.
Curly hair, big dimples, as sweet as can be.
The mom spoke first, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what to do with her.
Oh, don’t be sorry. One of my daughters did the same thing. It is a phase that will pass.
All too soon, I thought wistfully; then I heard, What did you do to get her to stop?
It is always seems worse when others are watching you.
She is not being bad, she just likes her voice.
I used to say very gently…Inside voices, please…and go Shhhh! like this.
I held my finger to my lips and the little girl giggled.
She is just fine. Don’t be embarrassed. You’re doing a great job!
Thank you…you think so? she sounded so young; this was all new to her.
Yes, I do…and the way you’re talking to her will help her learn to be very verbal.
We laughed at the thought of her being more verbal than she already is.
The little girl waved Bye-Bye on command.
She repeated Bye-Bye all the way down the aisle, and continued it on the next.
As the mother went in the other direction, I heard her talk to the little girl.
Wasn’t that a nice lady? She said I was doing a good job.
Imagine being that excited to say something…that ready to talk to whoever will listen.
I, or anyone else could easily have squelched her exuberance in the store.
Thankfully, her exuberance remained; thankfully the mother went on a bit renewed.
People were bringing little children to Jesus to have Him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, He was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” And He took the children in His arms, put His hands on them and blessed them. (Mark 10:13-16)
Imagine the scenario today a bit differently.
Imagine a little child, big brown eyes, dimples, talking, giggling and so happy to see Jesus.
Imagine the mother who is trying to keep her child quiet because others are annoyed.
Imagine the mother gently putting her hand over her child’s mouth, with a smile.
You’re being too noisy.
Jesus is watching the entire scene.
He is indignant, not because of the child.
He is indignant because of the self-righteous adults who are trying to hinder her.
He smiles a warm smile and assures the mother that she is doing a good job.
Let this little one come to Me.
To the self-righteous onlookers He adds, I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.
He gently removes the mother’s hand from the child’s mouth.
He places His hand on the child’s head and blesses her.
The mother walked away refreshed and renewed.
She met Jesus.
Her steps were lighter. Her burden lifted.
No more embarrassment, only rejoicing.
Her little girl continued to talk and it was music to her ears.
Oh, to be that excited to talk to anyone who will listen.
To tell about Him, and not be silenced.
Thank You for the privilege, Lord.
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