Restoring Sanity
Posted in Daily Living 1 Comment
We went out to get frozen yogurt.
One of those fun places where you pick your own toppings from the myriad of choices.
It was crowded; many families with lots of small children.
One little boy was a delight to watch; at least for me, maybe not for his parents.
He was intrigued with all the toppings.
He loved the colors, the variety, and the knobs that could be turned.
I watched him thinking that to him this must seem like the Please Touch museum.
Colors and knobs to turn; what fun!
We made our choices and went to the register to pay.
Our yogurt was placed on the scale since you pay by the weight.
Out of the corner of my eye I could see him inching closer to the M&M dispenser.
His little hand reached out to grab it, turn it, and see a fountain of M&M’s flow down.
He never got that far.
His dad was right there, grabbing his hand, and trying to distract him.
It was no use; his little legs toddled over to the dispensers yet again.
I am sure this was not the enjoyable; let’s go out for yogurt that his parents expected.
But this was the way it was; the frazzled look in their eyes.
It would be nice if you could reason with a young child; explain the WHY of a thing.
Reasoning before they are ready to reason is futile.
Learning to obey is paramount.
We have all been there as parents.
For some reason, that episode brought me back to a Christmas long ago.
As a parent, you try to cover all your bases, to think ahead, to have contingency plans.
Your child will always find a way to do something you never dreamed of.
We only had one child at the time and were shopping at the mall.
It was the time of Santa and pictures.
The time of crying children who did not want to be on a stranger’s lap.
We had not planned on seeing Santa; it was not the main focus of our holiday.
But quick as a flash our daughter was up on the platform with no one else around.
She stated in a matter of fact way the ONE present she hoped to get that year.
Fisher Price, Little People Main Street.
My husband and I looked at each other in disbelief.
We walked to the platform to get her, all smiles and proud of herself.
She stepped down and started to cry…loudly.
People Main Street. People Main Street was all she could muster between her tears.
She was pointing to the platform she had just left.
With hands in the air in a perplexed I don’t understand gesture, we realized that she thought the present she asked for would be waiting for her as she stepped down.
Gently, calmly, I explained that the presents come on Christmas morning, under the tree; the same day God gave us the present of His Son, Jesus.
We never anticipated any of this.
The mom and dad at the yogurt store never dreamed that yogurt wasn’t enough.
They never anticipated the temptation of the colors and knobs.
Nebuchadnezzar was king of Babylon who had a dream that needed interpretation.
God gave Daniel the ability to interpret the dream for him.
This is the interpretation, O king, and this is the decree the Most High has issued against my lord the king: You will be driven away from people and will live with the wild animals; you will eat grass like cattle and be drenched with the dew of heaven. Seven times will pass by for you until you acknowledge that the Most High is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to anyone He wishes…your kingdom will be restored to you when you acknowledge that Heaven rules. (Daniel 4:24-26)
All of this happened to King Nebuchadnezzar.
His pride was his downfall.
He believed the size and strength of his kingdom was because of his power and majesty.
Immediately, what had been said about Nebuchadnezzar was fulfilled. He was driven away from people and ate grass like cattle. His body was drenched with the dew of heaven until his hair grew like feathers of an eagle and his nails like claws of a bird. At the end of that time, I, Nebuchadnezzar raised my eyes towards heaven and my sanity was restored. (Daniel 4:33,34)
I raised my eyes towards heaven and my sanity was restored.
I think we can all relate.
To the parents looking at the colors and knobs, and watching little toddler feet and hands, this would be a great reminder.
To my husband and I who stood perplexed at the incredulity of the situation, never anticipating for a moment that response, this would have been a great encouragement.
Where else can we look for our sanity, our clarity, and our wisdom?
Nowhere else but towards heaven, to the living God.
Restore your sanity.
LOOK UP…not around!
Look to God and His Word.
He will give you the perspective you need.
Amen, Sister!