
Humble Service

Posted in Daily Living | 4 Comments

She was doing what she did best.
She was helping and serving.
She had an apron on with the logo of the farm written across the front.

She was running back and forth bringing food to people.
Always time for a smile and a bit of catching up.
The farm that a friend and her family owns was having their one-year celebration.

Animals, face painting, food, ice cream, scrumptious baked goods, and live bands.
A celebration of all that God has done in the past year.
All the people God has brought through the doors; all the people who have been served.

I hugged my friend and tried to catch up as much as you can with other people around.
We decided that we would try to have tea and really talk about our lives.
I looked at her and remembered.

This precious woman has a ministry.
It is not overt; it is quiet, it is humble.
It is a ministry all the same.

This woman is a wife and mother of six children of her own.
This woman has a ministry to the elderly.

When I took care of my aunt, I was the typical sandwich woman.
Caring for an aging relative while caring for my own family.
My youngest daughter was in preschool at the time and came with me to care for her.

Those were the days when the candle was definitely burning at both ends.
This sweet friend talked to me one day and offered her heart.
I would love to go and visit your aunt if you think she would like the company.

I knew my aunt would love it.
It will give you a break on the days that I am there.
I can bring my little ones and brighten her day.

That is what she did; she visited my aunt with her young children in tow.
Due to health issues, my aunt could not live again on her own after a lengthy hospital stay.
She was moved to a nursing home to get the assisted care she needed.

My friend and her children were loved by many of the residents.
Often, their visit seemed to coincide with the day when a pet therapy dog also visited.
Everyone seemed to benefit from the other.

My friend and her children were an incredible blessing to my aunt and me.
My friend and her children were an incredible blessing to many other people as well.
My friend has the hands and feet of Christ.

My aunt died suddenly one morning, about ten months after being moved there.
She was found on the floor next to her bed.
She had a stroke.

I had to tell my friend who took it extremely hard.
I wish I had told her, was all she said.
Told her what? was all I could muster.

How I wish I got a chance to tell her that I’m expecting another baby.
She would have been so thrilled.
She would have rejoiced since my aunt was an active pro-life advocate all her life.

My friend never got to share her good news with my aunt.
She planned to tell her on her next visit, but that was never meant to be.
How do you do it? I asked her one day, How do you handle it when they die?

She told me the various people she had visited and spent time with over the years.
She had lost each one after months or years of being with them.
God always seemed to bring another elderly person into her life; and she was so grateful.

Another dear friend of mine has an aunt that lives in the area.
My friend and her sister are the caregivers, yet they live in another state.
Their aunt, with her many doctor appointments, needed some help and companionship.

I received an email asking me if I knew of anyone who could be there when they were not.
Did I ever know the right person!
I connected my friend to this new family and watched God work.

When I saw my sweet friend yesterday, she told me that she is still visiting Aunt G.
She takes her to doctors’ appointments, she visits with her, and they just enjoy each other.
I even took her to a wedding not too long ago.

My friend’s children are all older now and there is time.
Time to do what she loves.
Time to do what she is called to do.

What a blessing.
A ministry to the elderly where both people mutually bless the other.
We are not all called to do what my friend does, but we are called to do something.

We must follow that small still voice that speaks to our heart.
The prompting that leads and guides us to what we are called to do.
That calling that will bless others and expand Christ’s kingdom.

Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 4:9-11)

My friend lives this verse out with her very life.
In her humility, she challenges me.
We are not all called to do what my friend does, but we are called to do something.
It is the Lord Christ we are serving.



Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!


4 responses to “Humble Service”

  1. I am Susan’s aunt. She shared her love of the elderly 30 years ago when I started a homecare agency. It is a ministry for the community. Susan is a gift from God to many. She cared for a small child with mental retardation untill his death 2 years ago at the age of 38yrs. Thank you for recognizing the Christ with in her. She and I made a pack to care for each other as we age.

    • Jean,
      I am so blessed to hear from you. Susan is very precious to me and I will be forever grateful for her loving care of my aunt. A deacon from my church commented that my friend has a gift from God and that is so true. Susan does not want the attention or the spotlight, but sometimes a story has to be told. This was one of those stories.

  2. I am Susan’s Mother, and am so proud of her, she has always been a provider and helper. Over the years she has taken care of her Grandparents, Father, nephews, where ever needed. We always could count on Susan for help. Thanks you for writing such a beautiful paper.

    • Janet,
      Thank you for taking the time to write. It is an honor to connect with you this way. Your daughter is very precious to me and to so many others. You did a good job in raising her to have such a servant’s heart. I am delighted that you were blessed.

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