That Kind Of Love
Posted in Worship 2 Comments
I woke up to a gorgeous day.
After weeks of being in the air-conditioned house, it was cooler outside than inside.
It was a day when I absolutely love to go on my walk.
It was a day to open the windows.
It has already been determined that I do not like hot weather.
It has already been noted that I am not a fan of humidity.
Consequently, days like this make me feel alive!
Days like this just seem to make everything more lovely.
As I was getting dressed, I was listening to the news radio station.
When they got around to the weather, the man made an interesting comment.
Today, the clouds are in the skies merely for decoration.
I smiled and thought about what he said as I walked.
The clouds are cotton candy clouds, splashed here and there in a sea of blue.
I am sure they have a scientific name that I cannot seem to remember.
On a day like today, only poetry will do.
A day like today is an adjective day; attempting to somehow describe what you are seeing.
Today is a day to air out the house.
Today is a day to sit on the porch.
Today is the day to observe the beauty of nature all around you.
Today is the day to put your elbows on the windowsill and be amazed.
This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)
Rejoice and be glad.
Quite easy on a day like this.
However, God wants us to rejoice and be glad every day.
Hot days, humid days, days of trouble, days of sorrow, days of confusion.
Not so easy.
I think that is why we have days like this.
Remember the man on the radio.
Today, the clouds are in the skies merely for decoration.
Why did God take the time to create such beauty?
That seemingly superfluous beauty that serves no purpose but to make our heart sing.
Because He loves us.
Repeat that to yourself.
Because He loves us!
Because He loves you!
Because He loves Me!
No other reason.
God didn’t have to create anything.
The Godhead: Father, Son, and Spirit, was complete in itself.
Satisfied in perfect love.
But love has a way of spilling over; love must spill over.
Love cannot contain itself, if it is true love.
It must overflow; it must be poured out.
That kind of love keeps on giving.
That kind of love seems to come from an infinite reservoir.
We are the recipients of that kind of love.
We get the overflow.
We get the waterfall of love that splashes and drenches us.
We are washed in pure, unconditional love.
No wonder our heart sings.
No wonder days like this touch our very soul.
No wonder we feel so alive.
True love affects you that way.
If we have been splashed; if we have been drenched, that love has to go somewhere.
Think of the rapids, foaming, wild, and magnificent.
That is the powerful love that God has for us.
We get swept up and carried along; yet He is the One paddling.
He will maneuver us around the rocks.
He will get us safely downstream.
We must trust Him.
Powerful love can be overwhelming if we don’t sit back and let Him do the steering.
You cannot keep a love like that to yourself.
The Godhead could not.
How do we ever expect to put the lid on that kind of love?
Why should we even try?
I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving kindness…they will be like a well-watered garden, and they will sorrow no more. Then maidens will dance and be glad, young men and old as well. I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow. (Jeremiah 31:3,12,13)
The everlasting love of God.
The love that holds you and keeps you and preserves you.
The love that brings joy that is down deep.
The love that must overflow.
Can you imagine what this world would be like if we splashed people with the love of God?
Can you imagine what would happen if people were drenched in His loving kindness?
That kind of love is contagious.
That kind of love changes lives.
The world needs to see that kind of love.
The world needs to know about the Creator that created all this beauty for us to enjoy.
No other reason for the superfluous beauty but to make the apple of His eye sing.
We should be so anxious to tell others about that kind of love.
But we forget to tell.
We put our elbows on the windowsill and admire the beauty.
We walk away and say, That was nice, as if we were giving a news commentary.
We’ve got it all wrong!
We need to be singing!
We need to be splashing!
We need to be drenching!
In the process, we will be getting wet ourselves.
That’s the way it is with that kind of love.
You just cannot keep it to yourself.
I know just what you mean! We need to drink in God’s beauty and love and let it overflow to others; so sad that everyone doesn’t think of God on a beautiful summer day (and also on days not so beautiful or happy, when He is there to lean on and comfort us).
Thank you Lord for your beautiful world!
It boggles my mind how God can possibly be missed when evidence of His Design is all around us. All the more reason we must tell others…so they will See.