
Forgetting The Whispers

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A dear friend from church came up to me when the church service was over.
I don’t want to make you feel guilty, but I missed your blog posts while you were away.
Others that were standing there answered before I could.
Oh, they were there. They were on the Facebook page.

I was touched that the whisperings I write about each day were missed.
It matters to me greatly, that God is using these simple words for His Glory.
I am amazed at the vast scope of the written word.
I am humbled by the power of the written word; hopefully always for good.

This sweet friend deserved an explanation.
I feel that all my readers do.
Trying to do too much before we went to Ireland and not completing each task.

I remember the day.
I went over the last year of blog posts and chose a few that meant a lot to me.
I chose seven posts and linked them to the Whispers of His Movement Facebook page.
I even had the dates and titles on an index card so that I could check them on my phone.

Job well done, I thought proudly to myself.
I don’t have to explain where I am going until I get back.
My readers will still be able to ponder God’s whispers each day.
I remember sitting at lunch in Dublin.

We were exhausted, having been up almost twenty-four hours at that point.
We’re going to press through, my husband said, if I didn’t fall over from jet lag first.
He was right in the long run, but I was fading fast; we all were.
I got out my phone and went to my blog site.

The post was not there.
The last post was the one I wrote for the day we were to leave for our vacation.
I looked at my web-designer daughter, the one who designed the blog site.
Is there any way to fix it?

She must have thought delirium was setting in, since my question made no sense.
Any way to fix what?
My blog posts are not there! Can we get into the site so I can fix it?
Do you remember the password?
the one question I was hoping she would not ask.


I have a quick link that I click on each day.
I don’t need to remember the password.
You designed the site, do you remember?

It was a lesson in futility.
The woman, the post-it queen, who covered all her bases, forgot this one.
My blog posts would only be available on the site’s Facebook page.
For those subscribers who are not on Facebook, I simply vanished.

Mom, there’s nothing you can do about it now, my younger son said wisely.
He was right.
I was across the ocean, with limited email access, and limited phone use.
Whispers of His Movement was silent.

The blog might have been silent for those eight days, but God was not.
He spoke volumes.
Creation screamed with His Majesty.
I was forced to listen, for no other reason, but to listen.

I needed the time off more than I realized.
I needed the time off to heal my back that had been bothering me all summer.
I needed the time off from everyday routines that would be waiting when I returned.
I needed to be still in another place and hear Him speak to my heart.

I was actually grateful for the fact that I forgot to publish my posts.
I was actually grateful that for over a week I was not wearing multiple hats.
The hats were hanging up on their metaphorical hat rack.
They would be there when I returned.

I hope that my silent blog encouraged my readers to listen to Him on their own.
I hope that as I write and you read, we are all becoming better listeners.
There is so very much to hear.
God continues to speak in different locations and different time zones.

God is not confined to time and space.
God does not rely on me to record His Whispers in order for Him to speak to you.
God is God and I am simply an instrument in His hand.
Life went on without my Whispers, because God continually speaks.

And these are but the outer fringe of His works; how faint the whisper we hear of Him!
Who then can understand the thunder of His power?
(Job 26:14)

That verse from the book of Job is what Whispers of His Movement is all about.

God has no beginning and He has no end.
God was whispering long before we were created to hear Him.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.  (Genesis 1:1-3)

In the beginning…God.
The first sound that was ever spoken, the Godhead spoke to each other.
God whispered and illuminated the darkness.
He still does.


Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!

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