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More than twelve hours after we pulled out of the driveway, we pulled back in.
We pulled in with one less person.
The storage bins that were full are now empty.
The house feels bigger and much more quiet.

Or maybe that is just my heart.

It was a busy day, jam-packed with activities and meeting new people.
The Welcome Committee had the whole process down to a science.
I never saw such organization.
When a new student walked into the gym, the whole place cheered.

Music played in the background; cheers, hugs, and high-fives all around.
I.D.’s were given, room and mailbox keys were distributed, and t-shirts were handed out.
A paper bracelet was put on her wrist showing the number of her orientation group.
She would be spending a lot of time with these people in the next few days.

In less than ten minutes, my daughter was through the move-in day registration.
This is a college of about 2,800 students with a real sense of community.
The college’s mission is to mature students in intellect, character, and Christian faith.

A covered bridge separates the campus from the athletic fields.
The bridge is almost too pretty to be functional.
The day had picture perfect-weather, relatively cool for the end of summer.
My daughter’s dorm is at the back of campus, scenic and lovely with many rolling hills.

We reached her dorm; the welcome committee was on the curb.
They were ready in their neon green shirts.
They emptied all of the cars with precision; the team that made moving-in so easy.
My daughter’s room is on the fourth floor and there are no elevators.

Everyone had the same starry look in their eyes.
A mix of excitement and confusion.
The welcome committee made sure that things kept moving.
Everyone stayed focused and on task.

All day long I postponed the inevitable.
We went out to lunch after the room was set up.
We went to the bookstore.
We seemed to be dragging our feet a bit as the time passed.

At 6:30 in the evening there was a candlelight worship service.
The theme of welcome week is: metamorphosis.
Metamorphosis: a major change in the appearance or character of someone or something.
Somehow this theme seems appropriate for the beginning of the next four years.

Fulfillment of God’s plan at this point in their lives.

I thought of a butterfly.
I thought of the stages of development in their life cycles.
The female lay the eggs on the kind of plant their young will need as food.
The eggs hatch into caterpillars.

The caterpillar goes into a resting state; they burrow into the ground or behind loose bark.
Some rest in silken cocoons, which they make by spinning thread from their mouth.
The resting stage varies from caterpillar to caterpillar.
During the resting stage the caterpillar changes into a full-grown butterfly.

Potential butterflies.
That is what I saw as I looked around the room during the worship service.
Potential butterflies in their resting state.
The length of time will vary, but they will emerge and they will be changed.

Change is necessary because without it, you grow stagnant.

I knew that our time was coming to an end.
I felt eighteen years worth of emotions rising from my heart to my eyes.
I wasn’t seeing clearly behind the quiet tears that rested there.
The tears that stubbornly fell on my cheek despite my best intentions.

Scripture was read and prayers were prayed.
There was thanksgiving for our past.
There was consideration of our present.
There was hope and trust for the future.

We sang songs about Jesus.
The college pastor spoke about being lights in this dark world for Him.
I was still wavering, wishing desperately to turn the clock back even a few years.
Then a song hit my heart and it all made sense.

I have decided to follow Jesus; no turning back, no turning back. The cross before me, the world behind me, no turning back, no turning back. (from Christ is Enough, by Hillsong)

In order for change to occur there must be movement.
Movement forward, dynamic, and life changing.
No turning back.

The students all stood as they were charged with their mission.

Being confident that He who began a good work in you will be faithful to bring it to completion, will you accept this opportunity and responsibility to prepare for a life of service, leadership, and reconciliation in church and society? Will you seek God as the One in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, will you trust God to do in you more that what you can ask or imagine, and will you be faithful in the stewardship of the gifts you have been given? (reference to: Philippians 1:6 and Ephesians 3:20)

The students responded: By God’s grace, we will.

When an adult butterfly emerges from the cocoon, they are wet and shaky.
As blood flows into the veins of the wings, the butterfly flutters and dries them.
When the wings are strong and dry, the butterfly flies off to live out its adult stage.
Potential butterflies, waiting to emerge.

I will be all right.
I will press on and press through.
I will wait to see the change, the growth, and the maturity.
I will marvel at the God who brought about the metamorphosis in my daughter.

She and I will be all right.


Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!

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