
Choose Joy

Posted in Daily Living | 2 Comments

I was in line at the store with the bulls-eye logo.
I was standing in line, two people behind the person at the cash register.
The woman in front was with her precocious little boy.

The little boy was trying to get the cashier’s attention.
He had mine; but he didn’t realize it yet.
The cashier was efficient and business-like as she checked out this large purchase.

The mom with a friendly face was checking to make sure she was charged correctly.
The little boy tried desperately to get the cashier to notice him.
He now had the man’s attention that was in front of me.

The little boy began to count.
He couldn’t have been more than four-years old.

He did not take his eyes off the cashier, though he had an audience.
She continued scanning each item.
The beep of the UPC symbol competed with his counting.

The little boy counted louder.
The man in front of me caught my eye and we smiled.

The little boy stood up on the end of the shopping cart to make himself taller.
The cashier must have seen too many children that day and seemed unfazed.
The little boy persisted.

I watched the mom smile at her son.
She knew him well.
She was probably the one who taught him to count so skillfully.

The cashier, realizing the counting was not going to stop any time soon, responded.
You’re a good counter, she said automatically.

He is amazing, I said enthusiastically.
He sure is, the man in front of me chimed in.

The little boy was unstoppable.
Without missing a beat, he reached SIXTY and kept going.
He was so proud, as he should be.

His audience of two people waiting in line did not seem to matter.
He wanted the recognition of the one from whom he was not getting it.
Isn’t that always the way?

If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from His love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interest of others.
(Philippians 2:1-4)

Boy, he just kept going on and on, didn’t he?  the cashier remarked after they left.
Wasn’t that great? the man in front of me commented.
There were so many things he could have said; he could have been rude to his mom…

He trailed off with things the little boy could have said and done, as the cashier spoke.
Do you know how many children I see and hear each day who whine and complain?
Do you know how many are rude to their moms, and the moms do nothing about it?

The man spoke up and remarked how parents try so hard to be their child’s friend.
They are not to be their buddy. They are to be their parent!
The last word was spoken with emphasis.

I see and hear it all, the cashier said.
She probably does; but here was her chance.
Her chance to see the good, to encourage the good, and to spotlight the good.

I had a neighbor growing up who was an interesting woman.
She was a fine cook and often sent over her newest creation for us to taste.
She had one fault that I never understood.

She could always tell you who did NOT go to a funeral.
She could list those who did NOT send her a Christmas card.
She always complained about those who did NOT wave to her when she was outside.

The glass was always half-empty.
The negatives defined her life.
In reality, she had so much to be positive about.

I am sure the cashier sees much throughout her day.
But if she concentrates on the negative she will undoubtedly miss the positive.
She will miss the blessings that are right before her eyes.

She does not corner the market on negativity.
The world is getting worse, many lament.
There is so much evil all around me, people report.

We hear those remarks every day.
What if we switched it up a bit?
What if we shared ONE positive thing we noticed each day?

What if we put a spin on our outlook?
What if we put our antenna up to receive the positive blessings that are all around us?
What if we shared them, talked about them, and thanked God for them?

Those blessings are there.
They are all around us.
We cannot afford to become cynical and skeptical about everything.

There is good in this world because God is in this world.
God the Father is the Giver of all good gifts.
Have we forgotten?

Choose to spread good news.
Choose to notice nice lovely things, wholesome things, simple things.

Praise God for them.
He is the Giver and He only gives good things.
Even the bad things and the hard things He will work together for good.

Work them for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
Be part of the movement.

The little boy was up to SEVENTY-NINE as he was walking out the door.

Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!


2 responses to “Choose Joy”

  1. So true, Gina! If we would only thank God for all the positives (blessings) instead of concentrating on the negatives in the world, society (including us) would certainly be better and happier.

    • Amen, Sue. I think we all need to have a more joyful and a more thankful outlook. Can you imagine what the world would be like if we all purposed to do this?

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