Needing Directions
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It was before the days of GPS.
It was before the days of Google maps.
Directions were given by word of mouth as you searched for landmarks.
Directions could be discerned by using a paper map.
I am not a map person.
I even have trouble with a directory in a mall or outlet center.
You are here means nothing.
You are here facing the store, or you are here with your back to the store?
I tend to over think when it comes to directions.
I have zero map-reading ability.
Mom, you are directionally challenged, my children have lovingly said.
They are right; I am.
I am too busy looking at details.
I am too busy noticing the little things that nobody else notices.
I am too busy people watching.
I am too busy to discern those little lines on a map.
Difficulty in folding a map does not apply to me.
I never unfolded a map so as to have the need to fold it again.
People that are map readers do not understand people like me.
People like me drive map-reading people crazy.
For me, it is all about the journey.
For me, it is all about the road less traveled.
For me, it is all about seeing what is on the detour.
For me, it is all about trusting someone else to do the maneuvering.
Years ago, one of my husband’s brothers got married.
We were already married at the time and our first daughter was about six months old.
My husband was in the wedding.
I drove myself and my daughter to the church and needed to drive to the reception as well.
Busy tending to my daughter, I never got directions.
I was simply to follow the other cars from the church to the reception.
There we were, a long line of cars driving along.
Until the traffic light turned red.
I watched the line of cars continue on through the intersection.
I stared straight ahead, watching my only means of navigation drive down the road.
The traffic light was interminably long.
It finally turned green.
No cars were in sight.
Did they turn?
Was I close to my destination?
I looked in my rear view mirror and did not see any wedding guests behind me.
I prayed.
I stopped at a gas station and asked for directions.
I had not brought the invitation with me.
Though I remembered the name of the place, almost.
Thankfully, the young man at the gas station knew how to direct me.
I drove down the one way streets of the little city.
I found the location and thankfully found a parking space right outside.
I carried my daughter into the reception, fearing I was rudely late.
I got inside and put my things on a table.
I knew that I would have to feed and change my daughter.
I looked around for my husband, but I didn’t see him anywhere.
I knew he left with the wedding party but they were all lined up without him.
I asked someone if they had seen my husband.
Oh, he left, they said in a matter of fact tone.
Left? Where did he go?
He went looking for you.
I was touched at his concern.
I knew I just had to wait it out.
In the days before cell phones, you waited.
Finally, with mere seconds before the wedding party walked in, my husband arrived.
He looked over and smiled in relief.
Being in the wedding was less important than finding his wife and daughter.
I discovered later that he had been driving around the one way streets.
As he rounded the corner, he saw my car parked in front and knew I was safe.
Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in Me. In My Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with Me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going. Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we don’t know where You are going, so how can we know the way?” Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:1-6)
It is a terrible thing to be lost.
When you are lost, you are vulnerable and afraid.
Left to your own resources, there are not many options.
There is a desperate need for Someone Else to direct you.
We know the Cartographer.
We know the One who made the map.
We know the Book of Directions.
We know the Way.
The Mapmaker has the whole picture.
Many routes appear to lead to the destination.
In reality, those many routes are nothing more than dead ends.
There is only ONE way to get to our destination; The Way is a Person.
Trust the Cartographer.
Trust His Map.
His Map will lead you on the most direct route possible.
His Map will lead you Home.
The Way is Jesus.
Jesus will come looking for us when we are lost.
Jesus will leave the crowd for the sake of the one.
Oh, the smile on His face when we are found.
Do you see Him looking for you?
Jesus finds those who are lost.
Stand still, lost one.
Jesus will find you.
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