
A Public Proclamation

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I hear the commercials on the radio every morning.
Advertisements for banks and lending agencies fill the airwaves.
Each bank offers an enticement that is better than their competitor.
The banks want your business: they want you to deposit; they want you to borrow.

The Sunday newspaper is filled with them.
Advertisements and supplements for various stores.
Each store has its own special deals for the week.
Grocery stores have coupons; retail stores have unique bargains.

The savvy shopper looks around for the best deal.
If it means driving elsewhere, the savvy shopper will drive there.
Some stores offer a mystery discount that is revealed when you peel away the cover.
If you happen to get 30% off, it is a good day.

We are always on the lookout for bargains.
We are always looking for ways to save money.
Banks are in the saving business.
Because there are so many choices, stores need to compete as well.

God is also in the saving business.
Except God does not offer deals or enticements.
God simply opens our eyes, our ears, and our heart to His Word.
God gives us faith; with the Holy Spirit as our deposit. (Ephesians 1:14)

I saw the evidence of this during a baptismal service at our church.
Four people, having come to faith, wanted to make a public proclamation.
A public proclamation of an inward reality.
They are saved by faith, not by works; their faith is a gift from God. (Ephesians 2:8,9)

Four people: an eight-year-old boy, a woman, and a husband and wife.
Four people at different stages of their spiritual journey.
Four people who have confessed Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Four people who want the world to know.

And I sat and watched.
My heart is moved when anyone gives their testimony before baptism.
My heart was especially moved when I heard the testimony of the young boy.
The young boy who is always at my house; the young boy whose creativity astounds me.

He entered the baptismal pool with his father.
Our pastor was already in the water.
Do you want to say anything before you are baptized? The pastor gently asked him.
He needed to stand on a footstool that was in the water so we could see him.

Yes, I do, he said with confidence.
He recounted how he came to faith after hearing the Christmas Eve sermon a while back.
I remember when his mother shared her joy with me.
After that time, there was something visibly different about this precious boy.

The light of salvation was in his eyes.
His parents, being wise and discerning, waited a bit and continuously heard his heart.
This precious boy has a heart for God.
It is plain to see.

This young boy knows the Word of God.
He has God’s Word hidden in his heart.
He knows that nothing he could ever do on his own will save him.
He knows that he needs Jesus as his Savior.

The young boy began to speak about hearing the sermon that Christmas Eve.
He understands, he really understands what the Gospel is all about.
He understands that Jesus died on the cross for his sins and rose again.
There was this feeling…I can’t really tell you but I hope you will have that feeling, too.

As he tried to explain what had happened in his heart, he found it hard to speak.
The words got caught in his throat and it was difficult for him to continue.
Of course, those of us who know him and love him were wiping our eyes and rejoicing.
I overheard the little girl in front of me ask her daddy, why is mommy crying?

Mommy’s not sad; they are happy tears.
I thought of the young boy’s words: I hope you will have that feeling, too.
The young evangelist on a footstool in the baptismal pool.
A public proclamation of an inward reality.

His father spoke as well.
He thanked the pastors, the church family, and the Christian teachers who taught his son.
Thank you for helping us raise him to be a Godly man.
Now he will be with us in eternity.

The father’s throat tightened and it was difficult for him to continue.
He was moved to tears in the baptismal pool.
His young son understands the Gospel and his need for Jesus, his Savior.
His young son came to saving faith through the Word of God preached to him.

God is in the saving business.
God uses no enticements, no deals, no bargains.
There is no plethora of choices; there is one Way and that Way is a person, Jesus Christ.
God uses the preaching of His powerful Word to awaken the heart of those He calls.

That precious boy could not find adequate words to describe what God had done.
His simple heartfelt words, through joyful tears were heard loud and clear.
Shouldn’t we all tremble when the Word of God is preached?
Isn’t that the way it should be?

Shouldn’t we be amazed that God would call us to Himself?
Shouldn’t we be amazed that we would hear Him when He calls?
Shouldn’t we want that same feeling for those who do not know the Lord?
Shouldn’t we be rejoicing publicly and proclaim our inward reality?

The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart, that is the word of faith we are proclaiming: That if you confess with your mouth “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. (Romans 10:8-10)

Simple heartfelt words.
A public proclamation of an inward reality.
Do you have something to say?
Yes, I do!

Praise God for the young evangelist on a footstool in the baptismal pool.


Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!

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