Time To Ponder
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‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;
The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads…
To my surprise, that poem was running through my head for no apparent reason.
It was running through my head as I emptied the dishwasher.
It was running through my head as I cleaned up the kitchen.
It was running through my head as I was getting dressed for church.
It’s funny how things get stuck in your head.
It seems to take more work to get them our of your head than to get them in there.
I was next to my husband in the kitchen yet my mind was miles away.
He said something which jarred me from my own thoughts.
I focused my attention on him.
I realized an important fact as I put the clean dishes away in the cabinets.
I live inside my head most of the time.
I really do.
I am always thinking.
I am always noticing things.
I am always seeing a potential story.
I am always contemplating something that seems so simple but is really quite profound.
I think that was the line of the poem that spoke to me the most.
While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads.
Things, good things were dancing in the children’s minds.
Wonderful things that made falling asleep very difficult for them.
Especially this time of year, our minds are busy places.
We have our shopping lists and our Christmas card list.
We have our ingredient list for our dinner menus.
We have playlists of our favorite Christmas songs.
We are always one step ahead until we realize that we are one step behind.
Our minds are not filled with visions of sugar plums now.
Our minds are filled with details, decisions, and deadlines.
Sugar plums? Who has time for sugar plums?
As I was driving home from church, I was thinking about all of this.
I found myself saying it out loud to my husband as he was driving.
I really do live inside my head a lot of the time.
Creative people usually do, he said.
He is probably right.
The creative process needs space.
The creative process needs stillness.
The creative process needs alone time to think and wonder.
Creative people are not loners by any means.
Creative people just need a time alone to think even if it is in the middle of the kitchen.
They need time alone to contemplate even if it is with other people right in the same room.
Creative people are formulating the next story, the next song, or the best arrangement.
That may be why so many are so frazzled during the Christmas season.
Busyness does not allow time for stillness, contemplation, or just time to be alone.
In order to maintain balance, we need time to think.
At first, you may have to schedule that quiet time on your calendar.
After a while, you realize that you cannot function without a bit of contemplation.
After a while, you realize that everything seems to flow better when you take time to be still.
Visions of sugar plums do not seem so far fetched now.
You stop and breathe and take time to enjoy this glorious season.
You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.
(Isaiah 26:3)
We all spend time people watching as we go about our days.
This glorious time of year is usually when people have the least patience.
This season of peace and joy seems to have been sabotaged by a Grinch or a Scrooge.
Peace and the joy seem to be in short supply.
It only seems that way.
Living inside your head is not a bad thing as long as your head is filled with the right things.
Visions of sugar plums will only get you so far.
Visions of the Baby in a manger is the antidote to the frenetic pace we bring on ourselves.
Rest, the Lord is near,
Refuse to fear, enjoy His love.
Trust, His mighty power,
Fills every hour, of all your days.
There is no need
For needless worry.
With such a Savior
You have no cause to ever
Doubt, His perfect Word
Still reassures, in any trial.
Rest, the Lord is there,
Lift up your prayer,
For He is strong.
Trust, He’ll bring release,
And perfect peace, will calm your mind,
Call Him,
If you grow frightened.
Call Him,
With loving care.
He’ll lift the burden and you’ll
Rest, the Lord is near.
Refuse to fear, enjoy His love.
Trust, His might power,
Fills every hour, of all your days.
Rest, the Lord is near,
Refuse to fear, enjoy His love.
(Rest, lyrics and music by Steve Green)
Visions, not of sugar plums but of the Lord Jesus, the Baby in the manger.
Thoughts that calm not thoughts that panic.
A countenance that is peaceful as you contemplate His holy birth.
Rest and trust in the One who came to save.
It is a good thing to live inside your head when you ponder the correct things.
Your mind can be a busy place but leave room.
Leave room for Him who was born to save His people from their sins.
Let it never be said that your mind and your heart has no room for Him.
Be still.
The Lord is near.
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