
Secret Symbol

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There was one warning I had as a child.
It was a warning almost everyone received back then.
Don’t take any candy from strangers.
That was it; that was supposed to protect us from danger.

It may seem a bit naive but that warning really was sufficient.
It was a time when neighbors looked out for each other.
If you did something wrong or talked back to an adult, your mother knew about it.
Your mother knew about it before you even got home.

Anyone seen lurking around a neighborhood was not lurking for very long.
There were enough eyes to look out for all the children as we played.
There was no fear of getting involved.
There was no fear of law suits if you spoke up.

You lived in close proximity and took a vested interest in each other.
You cared.
You didn’t want to hurt your parents by disobeying.
You didn’t want to hurt Mrs. So and So either.

As I grew and the world got a little bit rougher, stories of present dangers filled the news.
Do not take any candy from strangers, was not enough.
There were new fears.
There were new dangers.

After I had children of my own, I found myself longing for the simpler warning.
There were so many things that needed to be gently explained.
There were so many things that needed to be discussed in order to inform but not alarm.
So we came up with our secret word.

What if someone came to school and said that I told them to pick you up that day?
I would get the confused stare looking back at me.
Let’s say that I got a flat tire and could not come to pick you up.
What if I sent Mrs. B to pick you up; how would you know that it was OK to go with her?

It was a day and age when the safety of children went to a new level.
Forms were sent home designating which people were authorized to pick up your children.
Of course, my husband and I were on that form, but who else?
Who else would we trust in an emergency; what if that other person needed to step in?

So I came up with the secret word idea.
If another person ever had to pick up my children from school, they had to say that word.
Parents usually give their children a heads-up if there is a variation in their routine.
However, things come up that cannot be avoided, so what happens then?

I wanted the word to be unique so that my children would know this person was safe.
I wanted the word to be odd enough so it would be a strange to hear that word in conversation.
I wanted the word to conjure up a giggle instead of fear.
I decided quite randomly on the word: pickle.

We discussed this a while back and one of my sons was trying to remember our secret word.
The others remembered it, and when it was said, he remembered it as well.
Did we ever have to use it? He asked trying to remember.
We never did, but it was in place in case the need ever came up, I answered.

Our secret word.

The early Christians had a secret symbol.
Many of the early followers of Jesus were persecuted.
They were forced to worship in secret locations.
They came up with a secret symbol, the fish.

Often persecuted Christians would scratch the fish symbol in the ground.
It would help to identify other believers.
It was their secret symbol.
It was meant to identify not to cause fear.

The letters in the Greek Word for fish are: IXOYE.
Each letter stands for a word.
Jesus – Christ – God’s – Son – Savior.
Drawing the fish said it all.

It was unique enough so the other believers would know they were safe.
It was odd enough so it would be noticed on the ground, yet not alarming.
It was the Christian’s secret symbol.
It was a symbol that seemed to transcend their differences.

I can think of another symbol to identify us as believers in the Lord Jesus.
It is not a very secret symbol.
At least it shouldn’t be.
The symbol that identifies us as believers in the Lord Jesus is love.

Love is the mark of a Christian.
Love allows another person to feel safe.
Love is noticed.
Love transcends differences in cultures and in the generations.

By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another. (John 13:35)

It is not necessary to scratch anything in the dirt.
It is not necessary to be secretive about it.
Love is the mark of every believer in Jesus.
Our love should be obvious.

In this season of Advent, we anticipate the greatest gift of Love.
God the Father was not secretive when He sent His Son as our Greatest Gift.
God made the announcement with a company of heavenly host.
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom His favor rests. (Luke 2:14)

The symbol of God’s Love was wrapped in swaddling clothes.
The symbol of God’s Love was a Baby.
The symbol of God’s Love is the great, I Am.
I am. No fear. (John 6:20)

I am.
No fear.
Nothing secretive about that.
We identify with the One who is Love Incarnate.

Love came down on that Christmas morning.
Glory to God in the Highest.
Love came down that Christmas morning.
We are not afraid.

Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!

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