
Whimsical Joy

Posted in Worship | 2 Comments

Our daily can be very ordinary with a lot of routine.
If you look, really look, you can find all sorts of whimsy.
You can find all sort of things that may seem strange if you looked at them separately.
However, if looked at all together, these things can only make you smile.

It was the preview day, before the opening day, for my favorite bi-annual consignment sale.
I have gone to this sale in both April and October for at least twenty-five years.
I find books, old tins, and occasionally pieces of furniture.
My Carolina rocker in my family room was purchased years ago at the sale for $25.00.

The fun is in finding things.
The sale benefits a parent cooperative preschool and kindergarten.
You tend to see the same people each year.
People that easily become the, good to see you, kind of friend.

Some of the same women work at the sale and know exactly what I always look for each season.
I have grown our home library with the books I find.
I have expanded my daughter’s library in her classroom with books for her students.
I have found vintage jewelry for my daughters.

I saw him in the book section.
A precious three-year-old boy who was entertaining himself quite nicely while his mom shopped.
She was looking for books right across from where I was standing.
He was inside an empty clothes rack that was nearby.

Mommy, I’m in outer space, he said in his precocious way.
Come with me! He invited, as he stood inside his clothes rack space ship.
His mother talked to him the entire time, while looking for books.
You go to outer space first, she said shrewdly, and see if it is safe for Mommies to come.

It’s safe, Mommy, he replied, I’ll protect you!
Our eyes met and I smiled at her.
The little boy continued to talk to her and to himself.
He was in his own little outer space world.

I wanted to join him.

His imagination is amazing, I said to her as we both browsed for books.
It never stops, she said with a twinkle in her eye.
What a blessing. I remember those days. Enjoy them, I said.
I figured that she already knew.

I lost sight of her as we each went our own way.
I could still hear him talking.
I knew that this mom spent a lot of time reading to her little boy.
His vocabulary was incredible.

I saw him walking on the sidewalk.
His neon gym shorts seemed to reflect the sun.
He had a backpack on his back and a small Igloo cooler in his left hand.
He was walking with a spring in his step.

I was at the stop sign and took notice.
At first I thought he must have been on his lunch break.
But then I saw what he was holding in his right hand.
One single fish was dangling lifeless from a fishing line.

The sight of it made me smile.
Was this freshly caught fish going to be his dinner?
Were there more fish in the cooler?
Now I understood the spring in his step; he was quite proud of his catch.

I had a few other stops to make.
I drove into a little town where my husband and I had our first house.
There was quite a bit of construction on many of the roads.
I was glad I knew quite a few back ways to get around.

I drove into the center of town.
Orange cones changed the traffic pattern.
All of the drivers slowed down since construction workers were in the street.
One young man in a reflective jacket was directing traffic.

It was a gorgeous spring day and my passenger window was halfway down.
I had been singing along to my music but stopped as I passed the young man.
I thought he was saying something to each of the cars so I turned my music down to hear.
As I got closer I discovered that he was singing.

He was not only singing, he was singing a praise song.
I often wondered what construction workers do as they direct traffic for hours.
This young man answered my question.
Why not praise God on a gorgeous day in springtime?

Those little unexpected things that happen to brighten your day.
Those surprise joys that spur you on.
Those wonderful unexplain-ables that make you smile.

A child in a clothes rack space ship.
A man with a spring in his step carrying a single fish on a line.
A construction worker singing praise songs in the middle of the street.
These whimsical gifts increased my joy exponentially.

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)

God delights in whimsy.
God especially delights when we enjoy the whimsy He sprinkles in our day.
God rejoices over us with singing. (Zephaniah 3:17)
God must sing a cantata when we spot the seemingly random, whimsical gifts He sends.

I began to praise Him.
I thanked Him for the whimsy He allowed me to see.
I was grateful for the joy it brought to my heart.
Whimsical joy.

Keep your eyes open.
Unplug your ears.
Look around and marvel.
There is whimsy in your day, there really is!

Find it.
Praise Him.
Sing a worship song of your own.
Put a little spring in your step.

Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!


2 responses to “Whimsical Joy”

  1. YES! Look for the little miracles in nature and all around you and you can’t help but be joyful! God is so good!

    • Sue, those moment of whimsical joy are sprinkled throughout our day. It is always a blessing to find them.

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