
Popcorn Conversation

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I spent the morning with two very special friends.
One lived on my street growing up and we played together when we were girls.
The other lived a few miles away but we were friends all throughout grade school.
One has Facebook, the other does not.

We get together for our annual breakfast.
We pick up right where we left off.
We each remember the important things that we talked about last.
We each remember the things that matter only to the three of us.

Both of these precious friends are teachers.
The memories we have from our years in school, they now see from the other side.
One is an assistant principal; the other is also the chair of a department.
Both were always smart in school; their education has benefited them greatly.

We spent time catching up on our families and the latest news.
We laughed about how much we sounded like our mothers.
We shared parenting stories and what the empty nest feels like.
I am the only one experiencing that, though one friend is not far behind.

I told her that the empty nest is like a mirror.
It allows you to see yourself and your marriage in a new way.
You cannot hide when that mirror is placed before you.
You have to find your way, a new way, which is not a bad thing.

At one point in our morning, we began bringing up different names.
Oh, I haven’t thought about her in years!
Do you know what happened to Mr. So and So?
Do you remember our math class?

We each had been invited to participate in an educational program in New Jersey.
How old were we when we went there; was it fifth grade?
Do you remember what we talked about?
Without missing a beat, I announced, the Lewis and Clark expedition, and we all laughed.

We told stories that we each remembered and heard names that we had forgotten.
We were talking so fast and bringing so many long ago things to mind.
I thought about our time together and secretly gave it a name.
We were having popcorn conversation.

Ask any woman and she will tell you that popcorn conversation is the most enjoyable.
One little kernel pops out and then another and another.
Soon a whole popper of conversation is happening all around you.
Memories popping up over here and memories popping up over there.

Popcorn conversation becomes an enjoyable feast for the soul.
It is not the meat and potatoes kind of conversation.
It is the kind of conversation that is casual yet filling.
It is the kind of conversation that only good friends can enjoy.

The memories begin to pop up all over the place.
You must have shared experiences in order to keep up.
After a while, the conversational dish is filled with kernels of meaning.
After a while, the sound of the voices calm down and then become still.

There is a time and place for heavier conversations.
There is a time and place for deep discussion.
However, there is a time, a welcome time, for popcorn conversation.
Only good friends who are truly comfortable with each other can enjoy such times.

Then I prayed to the God of the heavens and I answered the king. (Nehemiah 2:4,5)
Hear us, O God, for we are despised. Turn their insults back on their own heads.
(Nehemiah 4:4)
Remember me with favor, O my God, for all I have done for these people.
(Nehemiah 5:19)
But I prayed, “Now strengthen my hands.” (Nehemiah 6:9)

Nehemiah was distraught when he was told that the wall in Jerusalem was broken down.
Nehemiah mourned and fasted and prayed to God.
It was laid on his heart to go and repair the wall.
Without a wall of protection, the city could easily be taken over.

Nehemiah was cupbearer to the king.
He needed to ask permission to go to Jerusalem and begin the work.
All throughout this time, Nehemiah, a man of prayer, shot arrow prayers to God.
Nehemiah needed direction, guidance, and God’s favor in order to do God’s work.

Shooting arrow prayers are also called popcorn prayers.
Popcorn prayers are conversational, sprinkled here and there.
They are no less important.
They are no less heartfelt.

In fact, it could be argued that popcorn prayers are really the most intimate kind of prayers.
There must be a relationship in order to be comfortable simply talking to God.
A kernel of prayer pops up in your heart.
Then the conversation happens.

Pop! Pop! Pop!
Thoughts, requests, and praise pop up here and there.
The kernels of prayer go right to the Father.
We sprinkle our prayers to Him in normal conversation as easy as we breathe in and out.

And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.  (Matthew 6:7,8)

God delights in popcorn prayers.
God delights in the popcorn conversation we have with Him each day.
Only the closest relationships can have popcorn conversation.
Only the closest relationships understand each of the kernels.

Pop! Pop! Pop!
Enjoy talking to God throughout your day.
He loves hearing your voice.
The simpler the better.

Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!


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