A Watching World
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It was just a simple lunch.
We had set up most of our daughter’s college dorm room.
We needed to run to the store for a few things.
Being a junior this year, she has the moving in routine down to a science.
As we were getting ready to leave for lunch, I looked up and saw one of her friends.
This sweet girl is not an RA like my daughter and does not have to be at school yet.
However, she came up for the day to see my daughter and another friend.
She wanted to see if they needed any help.
We invited her to go to lunch with us.
She was excited to join us.
I heard snippets of their conversation as they talked in the back seat.
I heard them laugh when they realized that the other friend was calling on the phone.
My daughter talked to the friend on the phone and put her finger up in a, be quiet, gesture.
The friend that came to surprise my daughter was surprising the other girl as well.
They were going to keep it a secret until after lunch when they just popped into her room.
We pulled into the parking lot, ready to have our lunch.
We walked into Panera; my husband immediately saw kiosks for you to place your order.
We do not have kiosks at our local Panera, I am just so used to going up to the counter.
The girls were still deciding what they wanted to eat for lunch.
My husband was outnumbered.
We all ordered our lunch and the girls chose a table for us.
My husband and I waited for our food.
I was astounded by the number of people that were served that day.
I was amazed at how many people order their food online and then come in to pick it up.
I sat on the long waiting bench and watched all the activity around me.
I watched one young man whose job it was to make sure the take-out orders were correct.
He expertly checked every bag, putting a sort of post-it note on it before it went on the shelf.
Everyone came and found their lunch exactly as they had ordered it.
We were given one of those pagers that light up around the perimeter.
All of a sudden our pager lit up and my husband walked to the counter.
Another employee ran interference announcing that someone accidentally set off all the pagers.
Everyone who was holding a pager had lights flashing in their hand.
She was embarrassed.
The person who set off all the pagers was terribly embarrassed.
No one got upset.
Everyone just laughed at the mix up.
Finally, our lunch was ready.
The pager legitimately lit up this time to tell us our lunch was ready.
My husband took two lunch trays and I grabbed the other two.
We went to the table where our daughter and her friend were sitting.
We usually pray before we eat.
Nothing ostentatious.
Nothing flashy.
Just simply bowing our head and giving thanks for the meal and the fellowship.
We began to eat our lunch.
The Panera was so crowded during this lunch hour.
The tables were placed at an angle in the center of the restaurant.
It did not leave much room to walk around.
I scooted my chair in as far as it could go so that people could get around our table.
I had seen a mother and her son at the table next to us.
I wondered if he was going to college as well.
We were so engaged in our own conversation, I thought no more about them.
They got up to leave.
The mother walked behind my chair as she squeezed through.
After she passed she turned around.
It is such a blessing to see a family pray together. It really blessed my son and I.
I smiled at her and thanked her for taking the time to say that to us.
She didn’t have to stop and tell us.
We did not pray to be noticed in any way.
The woman blessed my heart.
And as for you, brothers, never tire of doing what is right. (2 Thessalonians 3:13)
I read that verse and it made me pause.
I read that verse and remembered our lunch at Panera.
I read that verse and remembered the woman’s words.
I read that verse and I understood.
We do not do what we do to gain points with God.
What we do should never be for show.
What we do should never be to prove a point.
What we do should be done in humility and gratitude.
God takes care of the rest.
God uses our little bit, done in His name, to impact those around us.
God allows people to see our behavior, not to praise us but to praise Him.
We are God’s instruments for His glory.
I never realized that as much as that day.
Something so simple, done so quietly, touched the heart of another person for Him.
How often do my actions point someone to God when I am totally unaware?
Do I represent Him well as I go about my daily life?
Never tire of doing what is right.
You do not know who is watching.
Parents always have little eyes focused on them.
Little eyes are watching; never tire of doing what is right.
College students, who are believers in Jesus, have people watching their life.
Even if they are not aware of who is watching them, people see.
It matters that you live out your testimony and your faith unashamedly before them.
Never tire of doing what is right.
Neighbors see us come and go every day.
It matters how we live among other people.
Are we good neighbors; are we helpful and courteous?
Never tire of doing what is right.
Teachers stand before a classroom of children.
They can never take a, do as I say, not as I do, attitude.
Their students are watching.
Never tire of doing what is right.
We, who are in Christ, live in an unbelieving world.
People who do not know the Lord need to see that our faith is real.
They need to see that our faith is genuine as we lean on the Lord and trust Him.
We do not live our lives perfectly before them, yet we should never tire of doing what is right.
That is a good reminder as we go about our day.
We never know who God has placed in our path to watch us so they can learn about Him.
Our lives are not that interesting on their own.
However, when our lives are lived for Him they are a guidepost along life’s journey.
Which way is your life pointing?
What are you living out each day before a watching world?
Whose glory is being spotlighted?
Never tire of doing what is right.
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