The Orange Post-It Note
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It is now officially spring.
My husband and our oldest daughter have birthdays that are exactly one week apart.
His birthday falls in the winter.
Her birthday falls in the spring.
The difference a week makes.
The weather has been true to the familiar poem.
March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.
The lion is still showing its teeth a bit.
The snow is finally melting in wonderful, patterned mosaics across the lawns and fields.
Coats are still necessary but soon they will be put away for another season.
Flowers that were just beginning to peek out from their winter’s sleep, are covered with snow.
Every time it snows in the spring, I think of Laura Ingalls Wilder.
The Little House on the Prairie books were favorites in our home.
Laura wrote about soft, thick snow falling in late spring in the Big Woods of Wisconsin.
Late snow helps the trees make more sap.
More sap meant more maple syrup to be poured over the sweet sugar cakes she loved.
I have come to call a late snowfall, sugar snow.
Somehow that makes it easier to accept.
However, when you see the first flowers or the first buds on trees, snow is a bit unwelcome.
The wind is making itself known and showing how much of a lion March can be.
I was walking into a UPS store to make copies of Bible study notes.
I had my heavier coat on but the afternoon had warmed up a bit.
There was still a wind; more than a breeze but not anything that proved to be threatening.
I held my folder tight to my chest so the papers would not blow away.
It was then I saw it.
It was way down on the sidewalk in front of me.
It was bright orange and it was coming my way.
The wind was making whatever it was, dance along the sidewalk in my direction.
The parking lot was full, so I parked away from the UPS store.
As I walked towards the store, the orange something was coming right at me.
It tumbled and pirouetted on the sidewalk.
As I approached the door to enter the store, it had almost reached me.
I wondered who would win this imaginary race.
I thought I would reach the door before the orange thing that danced before me.
Upon closer inspection, I saw that it was a bright, orange post-it note.
The post-it note was torn; only one piece remained.
I opened the door, delighted that I beat the orange post-it note to the finish.
I smiled at the absurdity of my mental competition.
I opened the door to the UPS store.
The bright orange post-it note entered the store before me.
I realized the orange post-it note got the last laugh.
How does a post-it note dance its way down the sidewalk and turn to enter a store?
Was there a draft when I opened the door that changed its direction?
The post-it note stopped right inside the door as I got in line.
I tried not to look down at the post-it note.
It won the imaginary race, after all.
I couldn’t help it.
I not only looked, I picked it up since the bright orange stood out against the gray carpet.
There was one word on the bright orange post-it note.
I put the post-it note in the back pocket of my cross over bag.
It was then that I was called to the counter.
I did not think about the post-it note until the next morning.
I realized that I had other receipts and things in the back pocket that I had removed.
I went to my cross over bag and reached into the back pocket.
I thought for sure, the orange post-it note had fallen out somewhere.
There it was.
It was deep down in the crease of the pocket.
I pulled it out.
Many people would have left the orange post-it note on the gray carpet.
Many people would never have had an imaginary race with a piece of paper.
Many people would think I was being strange to even ponder something so insignificant.
Many people are not me.
I was not seeking to race an orange post-it note to the door.
I was surely not intending for the orange post-it note to beat me into the store.
I was somewhat annoyed that the orange post-it note went into the store before me.
I was confused as to why I had to pick up the post-it note from the floor.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9)
I looked at the orange post-it note and smiled.
In some strange way, the orange post-it note was a comforting reminder.
It came dancing towards me as if on a mission.
It was right with me the whole time.
That is just like the God I serve.
God is with me wherever I go.
God never leaves me or forsakes me.
God is by my side.
God is relentless in His pursuit of us.
God is ever-present so we are never alone.
God is HERE.
And everything is all right.
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