Saying It And Meaning It
Posted in Faith 2 Comments
Every day, as I drive out to the main road, I see it.
A new house is being built.
I was surprised when I saw the ground being prepared.
A dirt path was made for the trucks to get back to the lot easily.
What surprised me was that this new house is quite close to an existing house.
I saw the trees come down when the builder needed to clear the land.
I wondered how the house would be positioned, in reference to the other house.
I did not have to wonder long since construction began.
The house appears to be a log cabin.
I thought of the Lincoln Logs we have in the toy closet.
The construction of this house looks quite similar.
I am sure the house will be lovely when it is all finished.
I wonder if the existing house sold this parcel of land?
I wonder if the new house could possibly belong to family of the people in the existing house?
I imagined all sorts of scenarios.
I only hope that the owners of the existing house are not too upset with the construction.
Imagine looking out and having a wonderful view.
You never think that anything will obstruct it.
Then one day, the parcel of land that touches yours has been sold.
A house will be built right next door.
I am sure the position of the house is acceptable to the existing homeowners.
The new house does not directly face the other house.
The existing house does not have to look directly at the new house.
Even the driveway is positioned well, so there should not be a problem.
I am intrigued every time I pass the construction.
A log cabin in the woods is charming.
It is reminiscent of a simpler time.
All the materials used appear to be rustic and natural.
I passed the new construction because I was headed to the UPS store.
I had to return something so I knew that it would be an easy drop-off.
However, it was the lunch hour, which I promised myself I would try to avoid.
This day, it could not be helped; this day the line was not long at all.
I was behind a man who was sending something he had made with his own hands.
He did not have a box or any sort of container.
He wanted UPS to wrap it securely and send it to the recipient.
I came in at the tail end of his transaction.
The man behind the counter was actually sitting down in a chair.
Many papers were in front of him.
Many things were being printed as the man stood at the counter.
I looked at what he was sending; it was hard to miss sitting there on the counter.
The man had built a perfect replica of a log cabin.
The wood was stained beautifully.
The roof was hinged.
It took all my self control, not to ask the man if I could open the roof and look inside.
The back of the log cabin was facing me.
I could see that the log cabin had a wonderful front porch.
I was trying to decide if this was meant to be a doll house.
I could see a child enjoying hours of imaginative play.
The log cabin had a chimney.
Sticking out of the chimney was a fragile, porcelain mushroom.
It was the kind of whimsical mushroom one might see in a garden, with a gnome sitting on top.
There seemed to be another fragile, porcelain mushroom on the front porch.
If the man made the log cabin for me, I would not have wanted the whimsical mushrooms.
However, to the man and to the recipient, they were important.
All right sir, the package will arrive in two days, the UPS worker said, handing him a receipt.
We will pack this securely for you; don’t you worry, the man behind the counter said.
The builder of the log cabin touched the whimsical mushroom on the chimney.
I want you to be extra careful with this; make sure it is protected, the man said.
We will take care of it for you, sir; it will arrive in one piece, the worker assured him.
The man left the UPS store with quite a lot of papers in his hand.
I heard the total amount required to send the log cabin and I was astonished.
This must be a very special gift.
I tried to imagine the person opening the carefully wrapped log cabin.
I tried to imagine the person touching the fragile, porcelain mushroom.
If I was the sender, I would not rest easy until I knew the log cabin was safely delivered.
I would be uneasy until I knew that that whimsical, fragile mushroom arrived in one piece.
Then I thought of what the man said as he left the UPS store.
I have total faith in you, he said as he pushed the door open to the parking lot.
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. (Hebrews 11:1)
We have faith that the chair we are about to sit in will hold us.
We have faith that the sun will rise each morning.
We have faith that there will be air to fill our lungs as we breathe.
We have faith that the seasons will come each year as they have done before.
Why then do we struggle with our faith when it comes to the things of God?
Why do we doubt God?
Why do we have trouble taking God at His Word?
Why do we deny that God is in control, especially when things are hard?
I have total faith in you, the man said as he left the UPS store.
Can we say the same?
I have total faith in you, God.
Can we say those words and really mean them?
Are we sure of what we hope for?
Are we certain of what we do not see?
I have total faith in You, God.
Are they just words?
God is able to hold us and protect us.
We find it easier to believe that the UPS store can get our package to a destination safely.
We have the surety of God’s Word that, in Christ, God will never leave us or forsake us.
I have total faith in You, God.
Say it.
Mean it.
Believe it.
I often wonder why people accept so much on faith, like you said, but are unsure of whether there is a God or not, or do not accept Him at all. To me, it takes much more “faith” to think this universe came into being by itself than that a Creator made it all. Maybe some just don’t want to “have to” live the way God wants us to, not realizing that God’s way of life is the best for us and when we believe in Him we WANT to live that way.
You are right, Sue.
Sometimes the world’s theories do take more “faith” to believe.
God has spoken clearly in His Word.
Jesus is the Author and Perfecter of our faith.
Even our faith is a gift from God.