
Posted in Family Life | 2 Comments

It has been a long time since I took a break from writing each day.
However, I am taking a week off so that my daughters and I can spend some time together.
Mother/ daughter time is precious.
We are looking forward to seeing some new places and just being together.

Beginning today, there will be no Whispers of His Movement posts for one week.
I will resume with a new blog post on Thursday, August 24 as God allows.
One week to refresh and rejuvenate.
One week to experience all the new things God will allow me to see and hear.

Blessings and JOY until next week.
Listen as His Whispers every day.

Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!

2 responses to “”

  1. Thank you Gina for these beautiful blogs. “Whispers” has become part of my daily devotionals and it always amazes me how it so applies to my life personally. God is so Good…Always.
    Enjoy this precious time with your girl’s and may love and laughter abound.

    • Tracey, you blessed my heart this morning. I have no idea who reads Whispers of His Movement each day unless someone tells me! I am glad that these Whispers touch your heart. God teaches me through these stories as well. Blessings and JOY.

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