The Prayer On The Wall
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My friend’s daughter is studying to be a nurse.
She already has her bachelor’s degree.
She went to nursing school after college.
She is at a teaching hospital, learning and getting hands-on experience as she goes along.
Countless times my friend has sent me a text.
Her text asks me to pray for her daughter.
Perhaps it is because a big exam is looming ahead of her.
Perhaps it is because of the stress that is ever present in nursing school.
No matter the reason, my prayer goes up to the Father.
Our Heavenly Father hears those prayers.
When the stress level is high and when the work is insurmountable, God seems far away.
God is close to us in those difficult times; however, we often forget.
As I pray for the requests my friend asks of me, I pray for God to be unusually close.
I pray that God will reveal Himself in a new way to this sweet girl.
I pray that in the midst of the din of voices, she hears God’s voice clearly.
I pray that she will answer His call, because often God’s call comes in a whisper.
The other day, my friend sent me a text.
Sending something from____; you’ll love it!
Two pictures followed her text.
I enlarged them with my finger so I could see them clearly.
Her daughter sent the pictures to her with an explanation.
My usual study room is taken and someone left this up here.
I just think that’s really nice.
It was a picture of a classroom with something written on the wall.
The second picture zoomed in on the words.
My throat tightened.
My eyes glistened.
God always makes Himself known.
Father God, words cannot express how grateful I am to have you in my life, directing my path to fit your will for me. I know that this opportunity to become an RN is part of your will for me. When fear tries to consume my mind, all I have to do is seek you and know with all my heart (with faith) I will pass each test and graduate May 17, 2018. Thank you for never failing, for your unconditional love, and mercy/grace in my life. I pray for my classmates as well…May you guide them and may they experience your grace. Thank you Jesus for your many blessings. Amen.
God makes Himself known in the most unusual ways.
In this case, a prayer on a wall pointed right to Him.
In this study room, a prayer was written in a very visible place.
The person wrote this prayer from the overflow of their heart.
That prayer touched my friend’s daughter.
The ripples of the prayer on the wall reached far.
Some people may never have noticed the prayer.
Some people may have noticed but not taken the time to read it or ponder its truth.
In the throes of exams, with stress levels high, a prayer was written.
In the throes of exams, with stress levels high, a prayer was read.
That same prayer was sent from daughter to mother.
That same prayer was shared from a mother to her friend.
The person had no idea of the ripples the prayer on the wall would make.
The prayer was vulnerable and honest.
The prayer was full of faith and confidence in the One who makes all things possible.
The prayer knows the One to whom we bring our requests.
There was nothing more important for my friend’s daughter to read that day than this prayer.
The prayer on the wall stands as a reminder that she cannot do this on her own.
She needs God’s help, He equipped her with the intelligence she needs for the task at hand.
God sovereignly led my friend’s daughter to that study room on that day.
I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. (John 15:5)
The prayer writer knows that apart from God, nothing can be done.
With God, all things are possible.
The prayer writer wants that truth to be known by the other nursing students.
It was the sweetest gift that could ever have been given to them.
I hope that the janitor does not paint over the prayer on the wall.
I hope that the prayer remains and that no one is told to scrub it off the wall.
The prayer stands as a testimony to the God that makes all things possible.
The prayer writer knows that everything happens as part of God’s will.
The prayer on the wall was quite profound.
The essence of profundity is simplicity. (Michael Card)
The simple prayer on the wall was the Gospel in words.
I smiled at the unique ways God puts truth in our path.
Father God…in my life…directing my path…fit your will for me.
All I have to do is seek you and know with all my heart (with faith)
Thank you for never failing, for your unconditional love, and mercy/grace in my life.
Thank you, Jesus.
It was no accident that my friend’s daughter went to that study room that day.
There are no coincidences; the prayer on the wall was meant for her to see.
When God pursues, He is relentless.
I am so glad that He is; God’s call is not one that we can run away from.
The prayer writer knows that truth.
The prayer writer’s heart cannot contain the gratitude and love for the God who is there.
The prayer writer cannot help but speak and write the truth of God’s love.
The prayer writer’s classmates are covered in prayer.
What a friend the prayer writer is to the other nursing students.
When you know Jesus, you just cannot keep Him to yourself.
Even if it means writing a prayer on a wall in a study room.
Even then.
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