Forgotten Stitches
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Every woman wants to look her best.
It is not meant to be vain.
It is simply desiring to look attractive.
Attractiveness is not only something that is seen on the outside.
However, outside appearance is what a woman will spend most of her time on in the morning.
The right outfit and the right shoes are selected.
The best accessories to go with the outfit are chosen.
Perhaps a scarf will be pulled out to set the whole ensemble in place.
On a Sunday morning, I choose my clothes for church before I go out on my morning walk.
Then when I shower, especially if I am running late, I do not have to think about it.
The clothes are hanging there in the front of the closet ready to go.
It makes getting ready so much easier.
Occasionally, the clothes I choose are not the ones I end up wearing.
For one reason or another, I will change my mind.
It is a woman’s prerogative.
Most women understand that last minute change.
This day, I was dressed and ready to go.
I got my new dress coat out of the closet.
I saw that I had not even taken off the tags yet.
I quickly cut them off before I ran out the door.
I had changed my mind a few times that morning.
I had changed my shoes a few times as well.
My accessories were added and I was off.
I walked confidently to my car.
Upon arriving, I met people that I was supposed to meet.
I talked to many throughout the morning.
My coat was on my lap for part of the time.
For some reason, I never hung it up.
As I was leaving and talking to one last person, I happened to look down.
There in the front of the coat were two stitches.
The stitches made a large X on each side.
I realized that in my haste, I never checked for the stitches that are usually placed on a pleat.
One X on the left.
One X on the right.
I knew someone in the office of the building.
I went in to see if she had any scissors.
There I stood at her desk, pointing out the large X’s on each side of my coat.
I’ve done that, she said giggling.
Turn around and let me see if there is one in the back, she instructed me.
I turned around and she giggled again.
Let me get it for you, she said sweetly.
I stood in front of her desk and she cut the large X that was on the back pleat.
This string is stubborn, she said.
I could feel her tugging a bit.
I looked and saw loose strings on her desk.
She expertly swiped them away with her hand.
She grabbed the trash can from under her desk and threw them away.
You’re all set, she said.
I thanked her.
I walked to my car.
I giggled at the whole scenario.
I’m far from all set, I thought to myself.
Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.
(1 Peter 3:3,4)
I thought about that which God sees as beauty.
The things we emphasize are not the things God deems important.
God cares about inner beauty far more than He cares about outer beauty.
God cares about our hearts.
I was thinking about the large X’s on my coat.
I am actually glad they were there.
I thought that I was all put together.
I clean up well, I tease.
But do I?
Do I clean up well on the inside, too?
Do I have large X’s on my heart?
Do I have sin in me that must be cut out and discarded?
I do.
The X’s on my coat stand for the X’s on my heart.
Those X’s, my sin, must be confessed each day.
God takes His scissors, removes my sin and discards it as far as the east is from the west.
God the Master Tailor.
We try to stitch together the broken pieces of our life.
God says, Let Me get it for you.
I will take care of that.
Jesus took care of our sin once and for all on the cross.
Jesus has scars on His hands, His feet, and His side.
Jesus bears scars much larger than the X’s on my coat.
Jesus still has His scars; wounds incurred by love.
God the Father turned His face away as Jesus hung on the cross.
Jesus, bearing your sin and mine, has X’s that secured our salvation.
Jesus died and was buried; God the Father raised Him from the dead three days later.
Jesus’ sacrifice was accepted by the Father.
Jesus’ wounds, His X’s, are wounds of love.
We are far from all set in our sin.
We need a Savior.
God took care of it for us by sending His Son.
We hear, You’re all set, when we come to Jesus in faith.
We are all set.
We are set for eternity with our Savior.
Jesus is the One who bore the X on His body on our behalf.
Amen and Amen.
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