
The Power Of Words

Posted in Daily Living | 2 Comments

I had a few jobs in high school.
I worked at a cheese shop.
I worked at a children’s clothes store.
It was not until I got a job at a bank that I really enjoyed what I was doing.

I loved the customers.
I loved the fast pace, especially on a Friday afternoon when paychecks were cashed.
I worked all through college and enjoyed the people I worked with each day.
As my wedding approached, my time at that bank came to a close.

I was so sure that I would get a job in another bank after we were married.
A sister bank to the one I worked in for four years, was located near our first apartment.
I applied for a job.
I brought references and my good performance reviews.

However, it was 1981.
Inflation and an economic recession made finding a job very difficult.
The job at the sister bank, that I was so sure I would get, was not there.
The economy made it difficult for everyone.

In my job search, a job was posted in the want ads of the newspaper.
The job was for a writer at a local television station.
My husband saw the job in the newspaper.
This would be perfect for you, he said.

I had to admit that he was right.
I was actually excited at the thought of applying.
I was to write the copy that would introduce various television shows.
It was to be a short description so the viewer would know what to expect in the upcoming show.

I applied for the job.
I was asked to come in for an interview.
I remember the day.
I knew exactly what I would wear and laid it out the night before.

I was given a quick tour of the station.
I saw TV monitors everywhere.
All of them were tuned to that particular station.
I was brought to a small room with a TV in the corner.

As part of the interview process, I was directed to watch a short clip of a television show.
After watching it, I was to write a brief description of the show that would be read on air.
I remember the show I watched was Laverne and Shirley, which was a spin-off of Happy Days.
Based on that short clip, I had to write something that would captivate the audience.

I watched the clip.
I wrote something that would make them want to watch the show.
I thought it was captivating.
In a short time, I signaled that I was finished.

I was directed to another room to meet with the station manager.
He would read my short description later.
For now, it was about meeting me.
I was supposed to bring writing samples with me, which I did.

He seemed intrigued with my writing.
He seemed most interested in a poem I had included.
I really like this, he said, holding the poem in his hand.
May I make a copy of this? He asked me.

I wondered why he needed a copy when he had all my writing samples in front of him.
I was twenty-two years old, young and naive.
Of course, I answered.
He went out of the room and came back with two pieces of paper.

My wife will really like this, he said.
I did not know how to respond.
The poem was written when I was missing my future husband while he was away at college.
I remember the night that the full moon called to me and I wondered if it called to him, too.

I told my husband about the interview that night at dinner.
I feel good about the interview, I said not wanting to be too sure of myself.
He made a copy of your poem? My husband asked with a tone in his voice.
I wonder if he is going to give your poem to his wife? My husband asked me.

My mother used to have an expression: put a bug in someone’s ear.
That expression meant to give someone a suggestion or a hint.
My husband put a bug in my ear with his comment.
I never thought twice about giving my poem to the station manager until he said that to me.

It was out of my hands.
It was then I realized the power of the written word.
I had always loved books.
This incident showed me that there was power in words that I wrote as well.

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.  (Psalm 19:14)

I wanted to write words that mattered.
I wanted to write words that blessed and encouraged.
I wanted to write words that honored God.
I wanted to write words that would point people to Him.

I did not get the job as a writer at the television station.
I was told that they were pleased with my writing.
It was between you and another person, they told me.
We went with the other person because they already work at the station.

It was OK.
It was more than OK.
It showed me that words have power.
It showed me that I must take great care in the topics I choose and the words I use.

By God’s Grace, I have done just that.


Meditation Poem (written, 1979)

The same moon, the same stars, the same sky are seen by both of us.
The rain that falls upon me could very well have been the same rain that fell on you.
An ongoing process, an endless circle.
The fog that lifts and curls around the street lights makes the world seem dim and distant.
Beyond all this, you sit, alone, like I, waiting until the rain that falls on me somehow returns to you.
The miles between us seem to lift with the disappearance of the fog.
The brilliant sunrise brings a new day to hope and dream of the next moon, the next rain, the next sky.

Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!


2 responses to “The Power Of Words”

  1. What an interesting part of your life to share wirh us Gina. I could identify with the feelings behind the words of your poem. Ev & I were 2,000 mi.apart during our engagement for 2 years before our marriage.This scripture referring to ‘the words of my mouth & the meditations of my heart…..’ was often on my heart & mind as my future husband & I communicated by daily letters to each other.I prayed that my words to him reflected my heart. Thank-you for sharing this.

    • Linda,
      You do understand the words to that poem.
      Another way you and I are alike.
      May our words always be pleasing to Him.

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