
Pure Joy

Posted in Worship | 4 Comments

I watered my plants just like I do every morning.
I am aware of the bird’s nest in one of my hanging basket.
I was startled the day I discovered it.
As I sprayed the water into the pot, a bird flew out.

From that day on, I took special care.
I never had the water level on full force.
It was always a gentle spray.
Sometimes the bird would fly out at the first hint of water; other days I never saw the bird.

I went through my morning watering routine.
I watered the deck plants first, then the plants on my porch.
The hanging basket near the door of my laundry room was last.
A soon as the water sprayed on the plant, a bird fell out of the hanging basket.

It hopped behind my old milk can.
It hopped along the wall.
It came to rest right under the step into my laundry room.
The little bird seemed so scared.

I felt awful.
I had not done anything different.
The spray must have hit the nest in such a way so as to jostle the little bird.
A million thoughts went through my mind.

I heard another bird in a hydrangea bush nearby.
It was larger and I instinctively knew that this must be the mother.
I also knew that if I touched the little bird, the mother would not come back to the nest.
The little bird looked like it was almost ready to fly.

I looked carefully at the little bird.
It did not look like its wing was injured.
The little bird was opening its wings a bit.
It was as if the little bird wanted to fly but was not quite ready yet.

I remembered that I had purple gloves in one of my drawers in the laundry room.
They are gloves that are worn when staining furniture.
I got a pair of gloves out of the bag.
I put them on my hands.

I went outside and gently lifted the little bird.
I could feel its feet wrapping around my finger.
I lifted the little bird into the hanging basket.
I purposely did not get close to the nest.

The little bird stayed on one of the branches.
I figured that if the mother came back, perhaps she could nudge the little bird into the nest.
I checked on the bird throughout the morning.
It remained on the branch.

Later in the day, I looked into the hanging basket.
The bird was not on the branch.
I could hear movement.
I believe with all my heart the mother nudged the little bird back into the nest.

My heart was full of joy.
I was thankful for the purple gloves.
I was hopeful that the little bird is safe in the nest until it is ready to fly.
I was satisfied that the movement of the little bird was successful.

I went out on my porch to sit on my porch swing.
I love the quiet mornings.
I enjoy watching the humming birds come to my hanging feeder.
It was then I saw something that made me laugh.

A bird, much like the mother bird from the hanging basket, flew onto the porch.
Under my three hanging baskets, there were puddles from the earlier watering.
The mother bird landed in the puddle that was furthest from me.
The mother bird took a bath right in the puddle.

I watched the bird turn this way and that.
I watched the bird dip her wings in the water.
I watched the bird splash about.
I was mesmerized at the sheer joy of the bird taking a bath in the puddle.

This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)

Do I have that same kind of exuberant joy?
Do I enjoy the littlest things with joyful abandon?
I rejoiced when the little bird was successfully back in its nest.
I witnessed joy when mother bird took a bath in a puddle on my porch.

My son-in-love sent a picture of my precious granddaughter.
Her hands were in the air as she was being lifted during a walk on a city street.
My children used to love when we did that: walk a few steps, lift, walk a few steps, lift.
The look on her face warmed my heart.

I could picture my granddaughter being lifted off the ground as she walked.
The picture showed pure joy on her face.
Her joy matched the joy I felt and the joy I witnessed earlier that day.
Unmistakable joy.

We do not have to look far to find joy.
We, who are in Christ, should exude joy.
Even when circumstances are difficult, there should be unmistakable joy.
Joy does not come from our circumstances; joy comes from the Lord.

Joy comes from knowing we are made in the image of God.
Joy comes from knowing that we are known and loved by the God who created us.
Joy was set before Jesus, who endured the cross scorning its shame. (Hebrews 12:2)
Jesus had joy during the most horrific day of His earthly life.

Joy is worth clinging to even when it seems most allusive.
Joy is quite a testimony to others who want to know the Source of our joy.
Always be prepared to give a reason for the hope that you have. (1 Peter 3:15)
Always be prepared to give a reason for your joy.

Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!


4 responses to “Pure Joy”

  1. Gina, you share the joy of the Lord in such a beautiful way, to all who cross your path!
    I too have baby birds in a nest, on my front porch hanging basket. I now put ice cubes gently on the side of the basket where the nest is not, and hope it will be enough water to sustain the plant until the babies can fly.
    What an adorable picture of your granddaughter! Enjoy this very special season of life! Love and miss you!

    • Diane,
      What a lovely thing to say!
      I never thought of ice cubes! What a good idea!
      Can you imagine what it would be like if we all looked for JOY each day?
      Miss you, too, sweet friend.

  2. In this world we hear of so many negative events and situations and I often wonder why more Christians don’t exude joy? We have so much to be joyful about! Thanks you for your post and the adorable picture!

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