

Posted in Faith | 4 Comments

My son, daughter-in-love, and sweet granddaughter were here for the weekend.
We were celebrating my son’s birthday a few days before his actual day.
I heard my granddaughter’s squeals as they all walked on the back walkway towards the kitchen.
She was excited to be at Grandma’s house.

My husband teases that it is Pop-Pop’s house, too.
However; to her, everything is Grandma’s.
Of course, I delight over this because for the longest time, she couldn’t say, Grandma.
She said something every time she talked to me or someone pointed to me.

So now, to hear her say Gamma, is music to my ears.
Gamma’s kitchen.
Gamma’s toys.
Gamma’s books.

The word I loved hearing most all weekend; however, was hug.
This precious little 1 1/2 year old would come into the kitchen and put her arms in the air.
Hug! She would say every time.
I would stop what I was doing and gather her up in my arms and hug her.

We have two new games that we play.
I would do the hand motions for, I love you.
I would point to me and then make a hugging motion with my arms and point to her.
She giggled every time, finishing the sentence with a loud, YOU, while pointing to herself.

Then I told her, I love you so much!
She repeated, so much, but to my son and I, it sounded like, How much?
I would extend my arms out on each side, stretching them wide.
This much! I would say with excitement.

We repeated these games over and over throughout the weekend.
She never tired of them.
So much.

I thought about it later, after she went to bed in the crib upstairs.
To think that anyone could walk up to another person and say, Hug!
To think that the other person would stop what they were doing and give them a hug.
Can you imagine how very different the world would be?

My son also has a dog.
Piper is a Springer Spaniel.
She loves coming here.
She has her favorite spots where she likes to lay.

Sometimes, when Piper is in an unfamiliar place, she is on high alert.
In those unfamiliar places, she rarely allows herself to take naps by the fire.
She stays alert as if to protect her family.
My son felt bad for her, when she failed to rest during those times.

After a little research, my son discovered there are vests that can be wrapped around dogs.
They are wrapped in a particular way.
They attach under their belly with Velcro.
They are snug against the dog and allows them to feel safe and protected.

My son bought one of these vests and tried it on Piper.
She loved it.
She laid down and napped during the day.
She was herself, the way she usually is at home.

I was amazed when he sent us a picture and told us that he bought it.
It’s like swaddling a baby, I said to him.
It’s the same concept, he said.
I remember swaddling all of my children as infants.

I have been thinking about my granddaughter and her dog, Piper.
I have been thinking about what each of them needed.
In their own way, they each needed a hug.
One hug was from Gamma and the other was from a vest that swaddled Piper in comfort.

People were bringing little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them. (Mark 10: 13-16)

Can you imagine Jesus with the little children?
The disciples thought that the children would bother Jesus.
However, Jesus stopped what He was doing to gather the children in His arms.

We are all little children before the Lord Jesus.
We are sheep.
We are a little flock.
We need to be swaddled when this world becomes too much to bear.


Can you feel it?
Can you feel how close you are to the Lord Jesus as you sit with Him?
Do  you hear Him speak to you in His Word?
Do you spend time quietly before Him in listening prayer?

I imagine the arms of Jesus holding me tight.
Do you know how much I love you? Jesus asks us.
This much!
And He extended His arms on the cross.

Precious Lord Jesus, swaddle us in Your tender mercy and Your loving arms.


Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!


4 responses to “Hug!”

  1. Great post! I think of the card often used at funerals where Jesus is hugging a new arrival in heaven…how wonderful that will be!

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