Shine On
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I opened the blinds this morning and was amazed at the gorgeous full moon.
The full moon, still visible, shining brightly over the snow covered ground.
One side of my house had a spectacular view of the full moon.
The other side of my house faced the gorgeous sunrise.
The moon is simply reflected sunlight.
The moon does not produce light on its own.
Two perspectives from the Creator’s hand.
Two perspectives from my downstairs windows.
Two perspectives in us.
We are the moon for the SON!
We are simply reflected SON-light.
Without the light of the SON we would cease to shine.
I see Him, but not now; I behold Him, but not near. A star will come out of Jacob; a scepter will rise out of Israel. (Numbers 24:17)
The star did come out.
The star that was prophesied.
The star that was waited for.
The star that led the Magi to the Child.
The star that shone for no other purpose but to point the way.
And we have the word of the prophets made more certain and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. (2 Peter 1:19)
A new day dawned as I opened my blinds.
The moon reflected the sun.
The moon that has no light of its own.
Oh, may I be like that moon today!
Little children wish on the first star they see in the sky.
There are no wishes on the Christmas Star.
There is only a Promise.
A glorious Promise that God the Father fulfilled in the fullness of time.
Hope and Promise is what Christmas is all about.
They (the Magi) went on their way, and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. (Matthew 2:9)
When the Israelites traveled for forty years in the desert, God went ahead of them.
The presence of God was in the form of a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.
God led His people.
When Pentecost happened, the Holy Spirit’s presence was known.
Seen in the form of tongues of fire resting on the heads of the disciples.
God led His people through His Spirit.
The Tabernacle once traveled with God’s people in the wilderness.
Now, the heart of each believer is a Tabernacle.
The Light of the Son, which is the Light of the Father, is now reflected in His children.
Many lights.
Not shining on our own.
Many lights reflecting His Glory.
O beautiful star of Bethlehem
Shining far through shadows dim
Giving the light for those who long have gone
Guiding the wise men on their way
Unto the place where Jesus lay
O beautiful star of Bethlehem
Shine on
O beautiful star the hope of life
Guiding the pilgrims through the night
Over the mountains ’til the break of dawn
Into the land of perfect day
It will give out a lovely ray
O beautiful star of Bethlehem
Shine on
O beautiful star of Bethlehem
Shine upon us until the glory dawns
Give us a lamp to light the way
Unto the land of perfect day
O beautiful star of Bethlehem
Shine on
O beautiful star the hope of grace
For the redeemed, the good and the blessed
Yonder in glory when the crown is won
Jesus is now the star divine
Brighter and brighter He will shine
O beautiful star of Bethlehem
Shine on
O beautiful star of Bethlehem
Shine upon us until the glory dawns
Give us a lamp to light the way
Unto the land of perfect day
O beautiful star of Bethlehem
Shine on
O beautiful star of Bethlehem
Shine on
(Beautiful Star of Bethlehem by R. Fisher Boyce and Adger M. Pace)
Shine on!
Not shining your own light but reflecting His!
Not pointing people to you, but pointing people to Him!
You are the Son’s moon.
You are the Son’s reflector.
The people need to see His great Light.
The Promise of Christmas.
Who needs directions?
Shine on!
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