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In elementary school, I remember a particular test that was given.
The instructions were to read the entire test before you begin.
I thought that reading through the test was a waste of time.
That was for people who may have trouble with the instructions.
Not me!
I just wanted to get the test done.
Doing a quick glance around the room, there were others doing the same thing.
We were feverishly writing, meticulously answering each question as we went along.
Some people were still reading over the entire paper.
I felt bad for them, since I knew they would never be able to finish on time.
If I had been wearing suspenders, my thumbs would have been in the straps.
I would be standing there, thumb in suspenders, striking a prideful pose.
That is until I got to the bottom of the test.
Do not complete this test. Make no marks on this paper whatsoever.
Wait for further instructions.
I looked up and the teacher met my gaze.
There was nothing I could do.
I couldn’t erase my answers.
My pride got the best of me.
I removed my thumbs from my imaginary suspenders.
When I was in college, I took a philosophy class.
One day the professor walked around the room with papers in his hand.
He gave each of us a sheet of paper that was turned upside down.
We were to wait until everyone received one.
After my elementary school experience, I was ready.
No pen would be put to this paper until I read all the directions.
We were instructed to turn the paper over.
There was only one word on the paper.
Memories of the former test came flooding back.
Was this a trick question?
This was philosophy class after all.
There must be some theory, some snippet of wisdom I was to give as an answer.
I remember writing for almost the whole class period.
I wrote on the meaning of life.
I wrote on the questions we all ask ourselves.
I wrote on and on, often forgetting what the question was at the top of the paper.
The professor’s favorite answer was: Why not?
Some of us were annoyed at the amount of writing we did to no avail.
Some of us laughed at the absurdity of the preferred response.
Some of us just scratched our head further.
What is the answer to the question?
“Why not?” is a very humanistic answer.
“Why not?” is a quick response.
“Why not?” seems to forget morals and values and tries to justify behavior.
Parents often answer similarly when asked the “Why?” question.
“Because I said so.”
That response is still lacking.
The best response to the question of why is, “Because God says so.”
Even when we don’t understand, that answer is best.
God is the only One who knows the answer to our “Why?” question.
Even Jesus asked, “Why?”
From the sixth hour until the ninth hour darkness came over the land. About the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani,” which means, “My God, My God why have You forsaken Me?” (Matthew 27:45,46)
In Jesus’ darkest hour, as He hung on the cross, Jesus asked His Father, “Why?”
God in His infinite holiness could not look upon sin.
All the sin of the world was placed on Jesus, the Lamb of God.
The Lamb who would be slain for our sins.
God the Father had to turn away.
When Jesus needed His Father the most, His Father was seemingly silent.
But there was a plan.
Can you imagine if Jesus asked “Why?” and God the Father answered, “Why not?”
The answer would have seemed smug, uncaring, and haphazard.
There is no real purpose behind the response, “Why not?”
The Father did not answer Jesus’ “Why?” question on Good Friday.
The Father did not answer Jesus’ “Why?” question on Holy Saturday.
The Father answered Jesus’ “Why?” question on Sunday with the Resurrection.
The empty tomb is the ultimate answer to the question, “Why?”
The empty tomb is not a humanistic answer with us at the center.
The empty tomb is a Christocentric answer with Jesus at the center.
“Why not?” will never do!
There is a very real reason and a very real purpose behind our question, “Why?”
God allows us to ask that question of Him.
There is a very real answer.
There is a Sovereign God who knows the answer.
There is an omniscient God who works the “Why?” together for good.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)
In ALL things.
Our question of “Why?” is in good hands.
The resurrection assures us that our “Why?” has a purpose.
A divine purpose.
Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God. (Psalm 42:5,6)
Because God says so.
We can trust Him.
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