
A Woman Is A Mirror

Posted in Poetry, Salvation | 4 Comments

A woman is a mirror
Your Holiness shines through.

She is the Hands and Feet of Christ
In all that she will do.

She carries a humility
Because of who You are.

Amazed that You would choose to use
A small, imperfect jar.

She carries life inside her
Then gives it back to You.

Aware Your loving kindness
All her days, will carry through.

She is the heart inside her home.
She serves her family well.

Small things are Holy Moments
When Your Glory they will tell.

She is a wife and mother.
She’s a sister and a friend.

She is the daughter of the King.
Till her Bridegroom comes again.

Her name’s engraved upon Your palm
Beneath the shadow of Your wings.

Your joy will always be her strength
To You her heart will sing.

Everyone needs a mirror.
Eyes we can look into and see ourselves.
A spouse or a parent may be our mirror.
No matter how sincere, they are imperfect just like we are.

The only perfect mirror, that shows us who we really are…is Jesus.

When we look to Him, we see ourselves clearly.
Sometimes we don’t like what we see.
King Uzziah was undone when he saw the glory of God. (Isaiah 6:5)
Job put his hand over his mouth when he was confronted with God’s majestic questions.
(Job 40:4,5)

Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.
(Psalm 35:4)

God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God. (2 Corinthians 5:21)

Jesus’ righteousness imputed to us.
A beautiful, acceptable reflection in God’s mirror.




Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!

4 responses to “A Woman Is A Mirror”

  1. Happy Mother’s Day! Thanks for sharing your time and talent … what a lovely tribute to mothers everywhere. You remind me how blessed I am to be a Mom.

    • Joanie,
      Thank you for your encouragement.
      We ARE blessed to be mothers. It’s the best job in the world!
      Miss you. Happy Mother’s Day!

  2. Gina, beautiful, beautiful message! I shared with the ladies in our House Church and with some other friends. My friend, Kaci, pastor of The South Church asked to read this in church on Sunday. It has touched many already!
    Love you bunches…
    Happy Mother’s Day!

    • Bobbie,
      How incredibly humbling that God would allow these words to touch hearts for Him. Thank you for sharing this and encouraging me.
      Happy Mother’s Day to you, too…sweet friend.

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