
The Promise Of Rest

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Men lead lives of quiet desperation.
The poet says it’s so.
But with our Lord to steer and guide,
I say it isn’t so.

We do go on our detours.
Prying wide the narrow road.
Much like Christian with his pack,
We must drop our heavy load.

But where to put that burden?
For the nets will surely break.
Why only at the Cross of Christ,
For His Glory…for His sake.

And then it all feels lighter,
When before we almost broke,
We stretch our necks to find that we
Are safe within His yoke.

Only He can grant us peace.
Only He can give us rest.
Only He can point us to the things
That are better…that are best.

We must tune out all the voices.
Meant only to confuse.
And ask the One to intercede.
For He walked in our shoes.

The pressure’s all around us.
That’s what you should do.
His Spirit helps us to discern
What’s false and what is true.

The hardest thing…to know His will.
What is His master plan?
The road which we have traveled on
The kind of race we ran.

When everything is said and done.
We want to hear, Well done
Good and faithful servant.
You are My chosen one.

Come rest from all your labors
Let Me dry away your tears.
Night and sin forever gone
Away from all your fears.

The difference was the narrow way.
That many never choose.
Eternal life with Me, dear child.
That you will never lose.

But in the meantime….struggle.
Little rest within our day.
The only True North…Jesus.
The Truth. The Life. The Way.


Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. (Jeremiah 6:16)







Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!

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